Tuesday, October 5, 2010

No Way, No How!! Glenn Nye must be defeated!

While I'm an NRA supporter, I don't always agree with their scoring of the candidates. This time they got it wrong, in my opinion, on Rep. Glenn Nye. He needs to be defeated because he is basically a lap dog for Nancy Pelosi and votes only after checking with her how his vote should go. It is one thing to be a freshman congressman, it is another to completely cast your lot with a liberal when you come from a largely military congressional district (VA -02). I hope that Glenn Nye can return to his science show in January.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

John Lott's Website: Book review of new Third Edition of More Guns, Less Crime in America's First Freedom

I've had the 1st edition for years. I lend it to my liberal friends who "can't stand the thought of guns" or "think that guns are dangerous". I've just asked the people I lend it to approach the book with an open mind and just think about the arguments and the evidence. The book is so good at convincing people! I would argue that it should be made part of the Summer Reading List of every Government High School. But you know THAT will never happen. The 3rd edition is sure to be great. I most strongly recommend this book.

John Lott's Website: Book review of new Third Edition of More Guns, Less Crime in America's First Freedom

Friday, August 13, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson : Another Great Article

Yes, yes. I know, I'm a bigot.
I'm reminded of the Dr. Pepper commercial from my formative years...

I'm a Pepper (Bigot), He's a Pepper (Bigot) ,She's a Pepper (Bigot), we're a Pepper (Bigots), Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper (Bigot), too?

It works!

LINK: http://article.nationalreview.com/439027/everyone-a-bigot/victor-davis-hanson

DOJ and many states want to avoid sending ballots to soldiers/sailors oversea.

Sending out ballots to soldiers and sailors is just too difficult for many states! How maddening to have the current criminals in charge of governments across the country.

LINK: http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/at-doj-military-voting-rights-hang-in-the-balance/?singlepage=true

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault!


Say it enough and then the Big 0 (as in zero) can sleep at night while the country sinks into a depression.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Timeline of Oil Rig Disaster - President Obama Action

I thought this was an interesting timeline. I can't vouch for the complete accuracy, but it appears to be complete and accurate. In addition, it supports what I generally know to be true...the current holder of the position of President of the United States has reached a position for which he is completely unprepared for.

LINK: http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2010/05/obamas-katrina-illustrated-timeline.html

Friday, April 16, 2010

Who hasn't known this...Clowns are EVIL!!

Yes, I saw this article and thought immediately, "who doesn't think clowns are scary?"

I've known it for years.

Bozo - scary, Ronald McDonald - scary, This clown delivering a friendly birthday cake - scary!

Then there was the mass murderer in Texas who painted clowns as well as dressed as "Pogo the Clown". Coincidence? I think not.

Face it, Clowns are SCARY!

the scientific term is "coulrophobia" but you probably can more easily remember the term, "That clown is freaking scary, dude!"

Anyway, I don't like clowns. Never have, never will!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Satchel Paige Quotes

This guy had some good quotes. I remember the name from an old Eddie Murphy/Joe Piscipo comedy routine from Saturday Night Live (when SNL was good), but I didn't know of his contributions to baseball.

He was an amazing player, and this is coming from a guy who grew up in Florida when it didn't have a professional baseball team, he doesn't seem to have taken himself too seriously either.

Check out the link:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I've started saving...Monitored Alarms no more.

I've been talking about the slow response times of the police to 911 calls after reading the statitician John Lotts blog and articles for years. I don't know why I assumed that the response to an alarm event would be any quicker.
The following website was found in my latest edition of the American Rifleman and the testimonials and the product description seem to be just what I need.
LINK: https://www.stopthecrime.com/default.htm

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pizza Night at the Dirtyshirt - Excellent Writing!

A most interesting and entertaining writeup about the difference between being a candidate and being a leader. Bulldog nails it, as always!

LINK: http://bulldog251.blogspot.com/

He does it again! Victor Davis Hanson

It is such an education to read the articles written by Victor Davis Hanson. I'm sure that a conversation with him with be extremely educational as well.

Looking for something Green?

Some people are pure geniuses

Okay here it is...take a Honer harmonica and mate it to an old NES game cartridge. Sell the results online and make 200% profit. How long will this last? Who knows. In the short term this innovative genius is having a blast and telling some wonderful stories, I'm sure.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Why a Salad Costs More Than a Big Mac

This is really just another example of the Law of Unintended Consequences which states...that "any intervention in a complex system may or may not have the intended result, but will inevitably create unanticipated and often undesirable outcomes."

Why a Saad Costs More Than a Big Mac

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Speaking of Tax Dollars being wasted...

You probably have seen stuff like this before from the government. Something that just doesn't make sense.
This is the letter from the U.S. Census telling citizens that it is going to be sending them a letter.

LINK: http://www.redstate.com/bs/2010/03/09/your-tax-dollars-at-work-us-census-edition/

Another Great Article about the merits of the FairTax!

I've been a big fan of the FairTax for years. I despise the fact that my spring is spent worrying about Uncle Sam...specifically, how much U.S. is going to take from me to run government. It always seems to be more than I belive the Govenment deserves. I hate the waste. I hate the corruption. I hate the funding of the Arts (by definition it isn't essential) with taxpayer funds. And don't get me started with NPR. Anyways, I'm a big fan of the FairTax and believe it would solve a lot of the problems that the current tax code initiated.

John Lott's Website: Book Review by Roger Lott on Replacing income tax with sales tax#links

There are probably more like this than you think

Cops. Policemen. Fuz. Often people shun them because of the power of arrest. In actuality, law-abiding citizens should interact with and welcome police in their midst. Imagine a world without enforcers of the law. Think "Lord of the Flies" on steroids.
This story, from The Survival Spot Blog, is probably a better description of the typical police officer.



Thursday, March 4, 2010

Excellent read about the Liar in Chief

Makes you angry on one hand and disgusted on the other.


More Inventions than Edison? I'm interested.

Dr. NakaMats: Patently Strange: The World's Most Prolific Inventor. Okay, you have my attention. What's the story?
LINK: http://www.motherboard.tv/2010/3/3/dr-nakamats-patently-strange-the-world-s-most-prolific-inventor

Another Great Read from VDH

Victor Davis Hanson is to Reading as Lay's Potato Chips are to eating.

More lies from the Obama Administration

"Green Jobs" is as big a myth/hoax as "Global Warming."

Sure it stinks! Elections have consequences!

Selling judgeships for votes? I wouldn't put anything past these criminals.

Get 'em all out, I say.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Good LabRat Article. We do have it good!

I always appreciate a good article on LabRats.

Where do I buy a lifetime supply

Besides costing only $0.03 a piece, think of the money saved by not needing to flush. I think this is bound to take off - BIG TIME!

Moral Vanity + Blatant Hypocrisy = Unlovely Combination

Obama as Senator thought that a supermajority was absolutely necessary and a moral imperative to boot.
This must be the CHANGE he talked about as a candidate.
LINK: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2010/03/025730.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+powerlineblog%2Flivefeed+%28Power+Line%29

How things went on 3-2-10 at SCOTUS

According to Cato Institute...Gun Rights are likely to be secure...Liberty again likely to suffer.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Biting comment by Justice Scalia

From the transcript of McDonald v. City of Chicago...
Justice Scalia's mind is sharp.

JUSTICE SCALIA: I guess we -- I guess we have applied substantive due process with regard to the necessity of permitting homosexual conduct and with respect to the necessity of permitting abortion on demand. We have not adopted a more rigid rule for the Federal Government than we have adopted for the States in either of those instances, have we?

The flu season that wasn't.

I can still remember that goofball secretary of health and human services showing reporters how to "properly cough" into the crook of the elbow. If something is to be learned from this it is that if the government tells you something is a crisis...you can probably ignore it. If the government tells you not to worry about something, that is when to be concerned.


Milton Friedman and Chile...Good Reading

Unlike Barak Obama who is the most unqualified person in any room he enters, Milt Friedman was the MOST qualified person - especially when it involved economics

LINK: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703411304575093572032665414.html?mod=djemEditorialPage_h

Very important SCOTUS arguments today. 03-02-10

Good summary of the importance of today's SCOTUS arguments


Investors.com - A Blizzard Of Lies From Al Gore

I enjoyed reading this OP-ED from IBD. This really portrays Al Gore as he truly is...a fraud!
Investors.com - A Blizzard Of Lies From Al Gore

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cuban Crafters Claro Churchhill

This one is a little weird..."includes notes of onion, olive, and bread" reads this cigar review. I think that this is the first time I have heard this describe a cigar. Sounds more like a sandwich from a deli.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors

Stunning to read this website. 'There oughta be a law!!"

LINK: http://www.stopillegalmayors.com/

One prediction comes true.

Probably not what he was thinking, but true none the less. Tally mark goes in his column this time. Score currently is 1-4,999+.

LINK: http://www.redstate.com/absentee/2010/02/22/shock-obama-campaign-promise-fulfilled/

Stitcher - Cool

I started using Stitcher on my iPhone. I have to admit that I like it. I'm able to download via 3G and listen to many shows. Performance is better than live streaming (at least to me) and the information updates automatically.

Check out Stitcher at http://stitcher.com/home.php

Friday, February 19, 2010

That President is a real Class Act!

Check out how he deals with the Spiritual Leader of Tibet...

LINK: http://www.gettyimages.co.nz/detail/96834730/AFP

I'm from the Government...here to help (NOT!!)

Government steps in it again. The law of unintended consequences is displayed en toto.

LINK: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/02/17/the-ripple-effects-of-federal-action-a-case-study/

Wal-Mart vs. Whole Foods (Blind Taste Test)

Sorry, Charlie!

LINK: http://reason.com/blog/2010/02/16/the-tasters-werent-entirely-ha

Geitner Effect? I wasn't aware of the name; just the concept.

If you can become Secretary of the Treasury after cheating on your taxes, it must not be that big of deal, right?

Only problem is that some people have morales, including honesty.

Good Cause - Fresh Water!

One person can make a difference. Doc Hendley proves that.


If it ain't broke...don't fix it!!

Reported from The Wall Street Journal...

Campbell's is redesigning the Soup Can Labels. This can not be good!

LINK: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704804204575069562743700340.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_sections_business

a $4.95 cup of coffee and a kind word goes a long way

While I usually go to WaWa for my coffee on the weekend ($0.99 refill) I will make it a point to participate in Starbucks Appreciation Day this Saturday (21 Feb 2010). I advise all of my readers who believe in the 2nd Amendment to do the same.

John Lott's Website: Homeland security officers lose 243 over three years

Not good at all. Remember, these are the people that want to take control of your healthcare! Be afraid, be very afraid!

John Lott's Website: Homeland security officers lose 243 over three years

Economic Evidence that Socialism Fails while Free Markets Succeed

LINK: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/feb/18/poland-versus-greece/

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ha, Ha, Ha!!!

Green Machines not up to the task.


Another Interesting Read

I am intrigued by this kind of stuff. If I could do it all again, I would be doing something like this for a living. Very interesting.


Summer Vacation

I'm heading to Wyoming this June for some training. Should be a great time. All are invited.


Sobering information from Forbes

This will bring your out a 3-day drinking binge in a hurry!

LINK: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/02/graph_of_the_day_for_february_16.html

The smoking gun to disprove AGW

Yes, it is a long article, but it is convincing to me that I have been right for many, many years. There is no Man-made Global Warming. It is all a hoax. Hold on to your internal compustion engines. They aren't being made extinct just yet.


What Happened to the FAIRTAX?

I had hope for the "Contract From America", but it seems that if it includes the FairTax, then the contract is null and void. Shame.

LINK: http://boortz.com/nealz_nuze/2010/02/what-happened-to-the-fairtax.html

I've been asking, "What took you so long?"

Some major corporations are finally beginning to act and remove themselves from the stink that is Man-made Global Warming. Read this post to learn of some of the more enlightened companies.

Even a broken clock is correct twice a day...

LINK: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20100217/D9DTU9VO0.html

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Since when did "disproving" become science?

I always thought it was the other way around.

LINK: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/02/16/cru-chief-hey-why-dont-bloggers-disprove-agw-instead-of-criticizing-us/

More "Green" Phonies!

The next time one of the phonies tells me to reduce my carbon footprint, I may leave a footprint up against their head!

Talking about your "hottie!"

RHIC Collider Creates Quark-Gluon Plasma at 4,000,000,000,000 Degrees Celsius.

Read the Bio of a Truth Denier

This government official hasn't gotten the memo that AGW has been proven to be a big fat hoax.
She argues that "weather is not climate."
Well thank you very much!

LINK: http://www.noaa.gov/lubchenco.html

Victor Davis Hanson : Classic Bidenisms

LINK: http://pajamasmedia.com/victordavishanson/bidenism/

John Brennan is not a rational being.

This is a Power Line discussion of all the gaffes of Security Advisor John Brennan. He is to me an angry man who is not fully aware of human nature.

LINK: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2010/02/025554.php

Yet another New Discovery of Survival Blog

LINK: http://www.safecastle.net/

Monday, February 15, 2010

I've been enjoying these podcasts as I walk my dog in the morning and evening. Makes me think I've really not planned well for my family. Also has me thinking about a 4x4 truck. We'll have to see about that.

LINK: http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/

Friday, February 5, 2010

Florida Loophole

The new definition of "loophole" is "people doing something legally that I don't like!"

LINK: http://www.snowflakesinhell.com/2010/02/05/the-florida-loophole/

Vocabulary is quite telling of the man...

John makes a good point in his post. Obviously the President has not watched episodes of "Band of Brothers", "M.A.S.H" or any number of military movies when the injured are screaming "CORPSMAN!!!"
He really is disconnected from reality.

LINK: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2010/02/025526.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+powerlineblog%2Flivefeed+%28Power+Line%29

Big Goverment getting Bold! Scary!

Funny how the government is always the one who sets the rules and can set up bureacracy to assist them whenever they are obviously at fault. Pedestrians have right of way, even outside of crosswalk!

LINK: http://dailycaller.com/2010/02/04/struck-down-feds-refuse-to-explain-how-agent-injured-daily-caller-writer/

NBC Celebrates Black History Month with Fried Chicken...

My questions are 1) Why is it Black History Month? (Why is it not African-American Month?)
2) When is White History Month?
3) When is Brown History Month?
4) When is Chartreuse History Month?
LINK: http://dailycaller.com/2010/02/04/nbc-celebrates-black-history-month-with-fried-chicken-and-collard-greens/

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Very cool Gear Ring

I'm not sure how this would fly with the wife...me getting a new wedding band and all, but this ring is really neat.
LINK: http://www.kinektdesign.com/

Deceitful and Disingenuous

Phil Jones is a LIAR! He should be banned from ever again presenting a paper as being "scientific." He also should be made to pay restitution to all whom he defrauded!!

LINK: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/feb/01/leaked-emails-climate-jones-chinese

CIGAR RATING - The Daily Caller

I don't really get all the hints and scents from a cigar that these guys get, but I give it a 4 out of 5. Price is reasonable for the quality.
LINK: http://dailycaller.com/2010/01/28/the-daily-caller-cigar-review-cao-la-traviata-divino/

Monday, February 1, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

New Discovery of Survival Blog

Still reading this blog, but I'm learning a lot.


Krauthammer nails it!

Charles Krauthammer calls it like he sees it and he scores a bullseye in doing so!

LINK: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/21/AR2010012103500.html

Guns Decrease Murder Rates - Quit saying it doesn't!!

For the many liberals that read my posts...
You're wrongheaded. The problem is the actions of the criminals, not the tools. Don't restrict law-abiding people from defending themselves with guns.


John Lott's Website: Florida Law Regarding Gun Ownership and Adoption

I have to agree with Dr. Lott's reasoning here. If a government contractor is asking the question, then the answer to the question is available to the government.
This is profiling. This is wrong.

I support Rep Horner's bill and urge passage in the State of Florida.

I wonder now if there is a Federal Agency that has contractors asking this question and making decisions based on the answers. If the government says that they aren't basing decisions on the answer, then why are they asking the question?

John Lott's Website: Florida Law Regarding Gun Ownership and Adoption

Obama likes the term "folks"...

I think it is his way of saying "enemy".

LINKS: http://www.getreligion.org/?p=3819




Here is a big surprise...NOT!

Obama is seen as Anti-Business? Really? You don't say. You mean higher taxes and more regulation actually makes life more difficult for companies? Well I guess that I learned something today.


Less regulation and less taxes...coupled with less government spending will get this economy going again. And if they really wanted to stimulate growth, they would do away with the IRS and institute the FAIRTAX. Many economists agree that this would immediately stimulate growth and free up capital for investment that is currently used to track and prepare taxes.

LINK: http://news.yahoo.com/s/bloomberg/20100121/pl_bloomberg/a8uii1bcrdmy

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Real Joke is TSA

"Another passenger, a woman traveling to Colorado, consoled her as others who had witnessed the confrontation went about their business. Solomon and the woman walked to their gates, where each called for security and reported what had happened."


"This is just really hard!?" is that what we get after 1 year?

This is an amazing report. The Middle East Peace Process is harder than The Chosen One thought. This may be the first time that any group hasn't simply given him what he wanted. When he gets down to actually try and get something done, he finds that it isn't as easy as it appeared to be when he was campaigning.


McCain and Feingold should be sent packing!

For the two Senators to even write this horrible legislation, they obviously were not to serious about their oath to "Support and Defend the Constitution". If I were running against either of them, I would be calling them out as "Anti-Constitution" and shoving it down their throats. The tragedy is that it has taken years for the SCOTUS to strike it down. A lot of damage has been done. Somebody has to pay, I say McCain and Feingold should be sent packing.


John Lott's Website: Compare the growth in government under Obama in one year to the growth under any previous president since Eisenhower#links

My thoughts are that President Obama spent way too much time studying and practicing the "organization of communities" and very little time studying and understanding economics.
Government is inherently inefficient. Every dollar spent by Government is worth measureably more than a dollar to the public who earned it.

John Lott's Website: Compare the growth in government under Obama in one year to the growth under any previous president since Eisenhower#links

Yet again...the rise is "Unexpected"

Reminds me of "The Princess Bride"...

from IMDB.
Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Just substitute "Unexpected" for "Inconceivable"!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Great Idea!

LINK: http://www.aldenteblog.com/2010/01/donate-blood-get-free-beer.html

Pro-Second Amendment! Keep and Bear Arms!

An article I send to people all the time to remind them of what "Keep and Bear Arms" actually means. Start sending this to your liberal friends. Send often.
LINK: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/XcIBViewItem.asp?ID=2198

Sheer Genius from Michelle Malkin!!

This is one of the best reads of the year. It elegantly captures the first year of the bumbling Obama's first year. Her use of metaphors is simply genius. I found myself chuckling at her barbs while lamenting the actuality of the administration. I am hoping for some change!

LINK: http://michellemalkin.com/2010/01/15/garden-gate-a-metaphor/

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wife doesn't wear a lot of T-shirts, but this may change all that!

Now I know who my wife is talking about when she says "Hottie McAwesome."
I thought it was I. :(

LINK: http://sisu.typepad.com/sisu/2010/01/its-the-peoples-seat-stupid.html

This is what MA has to look forward to with Coakley

This goon continues the "transparency" that the Democrats are so fond of.
Also he supports discussing the issues with the utmost of respect. The Democrats can always win their arguments with the facts and by persuasive, logical points.

And if not, there is always "The Chicago Way."

Link: http://www.redstate.com/moe_lane/2010/01/13/meet-michael-meehan/

Key phrase..."possibly worst investment ever"

Yes, the stimulus put forward by the "no executive experience President who surrounds himself with radicals who despise the Free Market, Capitalism, Freedom and Individuality."
a.k.a. President Obama

LINK: http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/Article.aspx?id=517874

The people's seat indeed. 41st vote is on the line.

If only to keep out somebody who thinks that all the terrorists have left Afghanistan.
But truth be told, Martha Coakley is a sock puppet in the shape of a lap dog for the Liberals in Washington. Her ilk need to be shut down. Here is a way to help.

LINK: http://www.brownforussenate.com/

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Scott Ott's Examiner Scrappleface: Reid adds 'skin lightening therapy' to health reform bill | Washington Examiner

It only gets better with time!

Scott Ott's Examiner Scrappleface: Reid adds 'skin lightening therapy' to health reform bill Washington Examiner

Sounds like a simple formula for Republican success

If GOP wants a Majority this November...It needs to show Blue Dog Democrats were anything but fiscally responsible. No, the Blue Dogs were Lap Dogs!
Michael Steele needs to be less idiot and less a promoter of his own books and more of a leader.
LINK: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=35112

Disturbing Article about Two Classes of Citizens

Those that work...
Those that are looters...

Which would you rather have more of?

LINK: http://www.nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/keeping-americas-edge

Phyllis Schlafly : The Marriage Penalty in Health Care - Townhall.com

The Liberal Base has never supported marriage. In fact, it has done everything possible to destroy it. This comes as no suprise to me.
Liberals don't like Free Markets, Small Government, Freedom, Responsibility and States Rights.
Not surprised at all.

Phyllis Schlafly : The Marriage Penalty in Health Care - Townhall.com

Defining Quotes of MA Senate Race...Coakley (D) vs. Brown (R)

‘‘I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to being the 41st vote,’’ Brown said.
‘‘I’d be proud to be the 60th vote,’’ Coakley responded.

LINK: http://www.boston.com/news/local/breaking_news/2010/01/coakley_brown_j.html

IRS commissioner doesn't file his own taxes - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Another reason to look at the FairTax!

IRS commissioner doesn't file his own taxes - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Sad comment on the beauracracy of Washington.

VISIT : www.fairtax.org

Question 9 of the 2010 Census

What is Person 1's race?
_Black, African Am., or Negro
_American Indian or Alaska Native ---Print name of enrolled or principal tribe

_Asian Indian _Japanese _Native Hawaiian
_Chinese _Korean _Guamanian or Chamorro
_Filipino _Vietnamese _Samoan
_Other Asian--print race, for example Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on.
_Other Pacific Islander--print race, for example Fijian, Tongan, and so on.
_Some other race--print race

Me, I'm planning to answer "Some other race."

Many consider de facto racial profiling an example of institutional racism in law enforcement. The history of misuse of racial categories to impact adversely one or more groups and/or to offer protection and advantage to another has a clear impact on debate of the legitimate use of known phenotypical or genotypical characteristics tied to the presumed race of both victims and perpetrators by the government. I think, like Justice Roberts that the way to stop discriminating on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.

"Some other race" seems to work for me.

John Lott's Website: Obama's TSA Nominee's views on the greatest domestic terrorist threats#links

This guy doesn't pass the smell test.
Where does the President find these people? He obviously hangs out with a different crowd than John Q. Public.

John Lott's Website: Obama's TSA Nominee's views on the greatest domestic terrorist threats#links

Friday, January 8, 2010

More "Unexpectedly" Statements

It may be my opinion, but the phrase "Unexpectedly" and "Unexpected" is used more often than not. Just who are these "Experts" making the predictions? Why are the results so often "unexpected?"
As I told my son one time when making a string of poor decisions, "Maybe you should just do the opposite of what you think you should? - You would be better off.

I'm now thinking that the "experts" making predictions should take this advice.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ben Bernanke as Time's Man of the Year?

A fitting end to a miserable year - being led by an incompetent president with an bumbleheaded administration and lame brained Congress. Just beautiful!


Co-exist? Riiighht!...C wants to kill E, X and T!


Will Porkulus Help? In One Word, No.

Of course it won't! It wasn't designed to. It was designed to drive down Capitalism and Increase the size and power of Government! Unfortunately, the feeble Mainstream Press and the compliant NEA (among other Unions) will gladly destroy the best system in the world.

Dad29: Will Porkulus Help? In One Word, No.

Sorry Yet? Open Letter to Democrat Politicians.

LINK: http://www.neptunuslex.com/2010/01/07/popular-discontent/

LINK: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbqhl8_america-rising-an-open-letter-to-de_news

Is there any accountability?

If this was viewed as a "War" as it should be, then this guy would be looking for a job.

LINK: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2010/01/07/2010-01-07_antiterror_chief_took_ski_pass_remained_on_slopes_after_christmas_bomb_attempt.html

Liars do this...by definition, liars lie!

You had to believe that somebody was tracking these quotes. I hope that somebody will show and count all the lies and make big press out of it.

LINK: http://www.gopmommy.com/2010/01/eight-clips-of-obama-promising.html

When Government Gets More Power - You Lose More Freedom

That's the way it works folks! I am a big believer in the FairTax. When you look at how much time, effort, energy and money is spent in following the regulations of the IRS...and when you understand that the IRS employees are unable to tell you what the exact policy is...and when you understand that if you are ever audited it your responsibility to prove you are innocent...and when you understand that as of 2005 only one member of Congress prepared his own income tax paperwork...then you will understand that the IRS is not a friend to anybody in the United States, except of course the Congress.

LINK: http://boortz.com/nealz_nuze/2010/01/giving-the-irs-more-power.html

Open letter to the UN Secretary General

Let's see if he will respond. I doubt it. There is just too much money to be made in perpetuating the hoax of Manmade Global Warming.


More Crap from the 9th Circuit Court (aka the Most Liberal Court)

Just beautiful. Felons getting to vote for more of their kind (Democrats). This makes me sick.

LINK: http://johnrlott.blogspot.com/2010/01/9th-circuit-decision-gives-felons-right.html

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm afraid that the rules we are creating only favor our enemies

We are so screwed! Our enemies only have to send one lame brain over and then our court system will open up all our sensitive intelligence to them. It is amazing that the Ruskies and Chicoms didn't think of this during the Cold War.


More Craziness from the Border Security/TSA Nutjobs

You've probably seen his reporting. I don't always agree with his assessments, but he certainly is correct to refuse to answer a question of his annual income. Is this the first in a series of the the Federal Government overstepping its boundries? Hardly. Look for more of this in the coming weeks and months. All of this is meant to distract the casual observer from what is really happening - Dismantling of the Representative Republic - Empowering the Sococialist Democracy.
LINK: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/01/05/breaking-michael-yon-arrested-at-seattle-airport/

Heat is obviously building up in the Kitchen

I read this headline, "U.S. to Suspend Gitmo Detainee Transfers to Yemen" and immediately recognized it for what it is...a pause until the heat is off. The President has stated numerous times that he is against anything George Bush, but the heat is just a little too hot at the present to keep moving down the chosen path.
Look for a return to his leftest ways by June, that is if there isn't another attack.

LINK: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01/05/suspend-gitmo-detainee-transfers-yemen/

Vote fraud about to be completely out of control#links

UNBELIEVABLE! Things are about to get worse before the possibly get better.

John Lott's Website: Vote fraud about to be completely out of control#links