Monday, March 21, 2011

DRT...because the little lady was packing.

This could have turned out much differently if a gun had not been present.
Way to go. Dead Right There...DRT. Excellent.


Bulldog251 said...

Lab Rat- He was turning his life around. He must have been provoked by the gun-toting hussy. What about his rights? He seemed like such a good fella. Is it right to shoot him like a dog, just for breaking into a home, and assualting both residents? He might have needed a glass of water. Its the greedy republicans fault, they starve children and old people, and now they are shooting defenseless homeless men.

Braxton Hicks said...

check out
Cuccinelli says guns in churches allowed if church approves. This should let others feel safer in church than in the courts...which is probably true.