Only boring people are bored! The items that I'm interested in include History, Economics (Capitalism-Yeah!), Guns, Cigars, Cars, Music, Military, and Birding. Again, the world is full of interests and interesting people.
Sunday, July 30, 2023
1327 hash passwords
sha512(yjDSQgfhjkM) sha512(Yjdsq_gfhjkm) sha512(Yjdsqgfhjkm) sha512(YjdsqGfhjkm) sha512(YjdsQGfhjkM) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkm0) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkm011304) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkm1) sha512(Yjdsqgfhjkm1) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkm1211) sha512(yjdsq_gfhjkm_123) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkm123) sha512(Yjdsqgfhjkm15) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkm2) sha512(YjdsqGfhjkm2005) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkm256) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkm5) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkm531466) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkm7556) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkmg) sha512(yjdsqgfhjkmlty) sha512(yjdsqgjhjkm) sha512(yjdsqgthc) sha512(yjdsqgthc2) sha512(yjdsqhbv) sha512(yjdsqifyc) sha512(yjdsqjnltk) sha512(yjdsqljv) sha512(yjdsqltym) sha512(yjdsqltym1971) sha512(yjdsqltym5022) sha512(yjdsqntktajy) sha512(yjdsqntktajyh) sha512(YJDSQPFDTN) sha512(yjdsqpfdtnbcvfbkjd12) sha512(yjdsqpfvjr13579) sha512(yjdsqqgfhjkm) sha512(yjdsqrfh) sha512(yjdsqrfq) sha512(yjdsqrfyfk) sha512(yjdsqrgdy) sha512(yjdsqrjynfrnyjdsqrjynfrn) sha512(YJDSQUJ) sha512(yjdsqujhjl) sha512(yjdsqujl) sha512(Yjdsqujl) sha512(yjdsqujl0721) sha512(yjdsqujl09) sha512(yjdsqujl1) sha512(Yjdsqujl1) sha512(yjdsqujl11) sha512(yjdsqujl111) sha512(yjdsqujl123) sha512(Yjdsqujl123) sha512(Yjdsqujl13) sha512(yjdsqujl2008) sha512(yjdsqujl2009) sha512(yjdsqujl2010) sha512(yjdsqujl20100) sha512(yjdsqujl2011) sha512(yjdsqujl2012) sha512(yjdsqujl2013) sha512(yjdsqujl311990) sha512(yjdsqujl78) sha512(yjdsqujlhekbnnn) sha512(yjdsqujlxcerf) sha512(yjdsqv16frf47) sha512(yjdsqvbh) sha512(yjdsqvbh1) sha512(yjdsqvbh123) sha512(yjdsqvbh19911991) sha512(yjdsqvfqjh) sha512(yjdsqvjcrfktyrjujl;tyz) sha512(yjdsqvjq) sha512(yjdsqyjdsqgfhjkm) sha512(yjdsqzobr) sha512(yjdst22) sha512(yjdstgbcmvf) sha512(yjdsvb) sha512(yjdsxjr) sha512(yjdsytn5) sha512(yjdtijcct149) sha512(yjdtkkf) sha512(yjdtqibqgfhjkm) sha512(yjdtqittdhtvz) sha512(yjdujh84) sha512(yjdujhjl) sha512(Yjdujhjl) sha512(yjdujhjl17) sha512(yjdujhjl52) sha512(yjdujhjl8921) sha512(yjdujhjlcrb) sha512(Yjdujhjlcrfz) sha512(yjdujhjlcrfz1) sha512(yjdujhjljdf) sha512(yjdujhjljnhzl444) sha512(yjDVfX) sha512(yjdwew7a) sha512(yjdww8rj) sha512(yje0384) sha512(YjE40mzs) sha512(Yje7hOxce5) sha512(yjea) sha512(YjEAr9ph) sha512(yjebelai) sha512(YjebTE) sha512(yjec9v) sha512(YJECyGeNaBo293) sha512(yjecyjec) sha512(yjef6oq) sha512(yjegwpcfx3e) sha512(yjehoZOTiBOZ) sha512(yJEI5igT) sha512(yjejaung) sha512(YjejKD) sha512(YjEJKd) sha512(yjejoh) sha512(YJejU2EGyPA9Yh) sha512(YjEKYmezihOv) sha512(yJeMUbazyHA) sha512(yjenaehrfnf) sha512(yjenagyjunu) sha512(yjenagyjunu@e$) sha512(yjener14) sha512(yjenker) sha512(yjepassword) sha512(yjepaupau) sha512(yjeppi) sha512(yjeqN3Kj) sha512(_yJEQQtgC) sha512(yjEruSYKA) sha512(yjeseQUPun) sha512(YjEsIRoFETET) sha512(yjesuhyge) sha512(yJEtEsynyGEQA3) sha512(YjeTyE) sha512(YjETYE) sha512(yjeu) sha512(yjeV1rn2V0ipA) sha512(yJeV8av8XKu) sha512(YjevUjOX) sha512(yJeVyJumIGe) sha512(yjew1992) sha512(yjexOKALOVUR) sha512(YJeXygUlE) sha512(yjf1cnyl) sha512(yjf2tm7h) sha512(YJFAYFMT) sha512(yJFCbeuZBH) sha512(yjfd2992) sha512(YJffAdAm) sha512(yjFfAQpM) sha512(YJFFYCEZ) sha512(YJFHIJID) sha512(yjfhugr4) sha512(YJfIfc) sha512(yjfj9769) sha512(yjfJC1yg) sha512(YjfkNE) sha512(yjfNNXKYCIG) sha512(YJFQ4KF) sha512(yjfuixiv) sha512(yjfUKkvEDhS) sha512(YJFVynPzrR) sha512(yjfwe) sha512(yjfxzsjkw) sha512(yjg2181) sha512(yjg3439) sha512(yjg6xqDMk9) sha512(Yjgaz35ia) sha512(yjgbfzn2) sha512(yjgd22ra) sha512(yJGD4i33) sha512(yjgfcfhfy) sha512(yjggvkav) sha512(yjgj9143YJ) sha512(yjgjktjy5) sha512(yjgkwkzf) sha512(yjgm9g) sha512(yjgnv) sha512(yjgowf) sha512(yjgp4q5) sha512(yjgpnh4ts) sha512(yJgqUJUB) sha512(YJGRBMKU) sha512(YjGsSkwR) sha512(yjgtr39) sha512(yjh111) sha512(yjh157) sha512(yjH1FHp679) sha512(yjh3638) sha512(yjh375) sha512(yjh5dbxc) sha512(yjh75eyaegl9) sha512(yjhajkrfafka) sha512(yjhajkrpfd) sha512(YjhAvft) sha512(yjhbc5) sha512(yjhbkmcr) sha512(yjhbkmcr2009) sha512(yjhbrdbrf) sha512(YjHD6hl149) sha512(yjhdbrbyu) sha512(YjHdG) sha512(yjhdtubz) sha512(Yjhdtubz) sha512(Yjhdtubz143) sha512(yjhdtubz844) sha512(yjheirf) sha512(Yjheirf) sha512(yjheirf147) sha512(YJHENJ12) sha512(yjhenkgs) sha512(yjhf220967) sha512(yjhf7k4zzk8) sha512(yjhfdfg777) sha512(yjhflhtyfkby) sha512(yjhfnf) sha512(yjhfqh) sha512(yjhfrercjdf05012002) sha512(yjhfyjhf) sha512(YJhg4J13) sha512(yjhh) sha512(yjhhbc05) sha512(yjhhbcc) sha512(YjhhoB) sha512(yjhintqyytcrf) sha512(yjhj) sha512(yjhjxrf) sha512(yjhjxrf@1681) sha512(yjhjxrf63614811@@@@@) sha512(YJHKJERP) sha512(yjhkwpd24) sha512(yjhl1988lhjy) sha512(yjhl2002) sha512(yjhl91) sha512(yjhlbr) sha512(yjhlbr9608) sha512(yjhlf7188) sha512(yjhlfr) sha512(yjhljcn) sha512(yjhlrek888) sha512(yjhlrekyjhl) sha512(yjhlvfh1) sha512(yjhm8j2hu) sha512(yjhnbk) sha512(yjhnf2010) sha512(yjhnjy1) sha512(yjhnjy12) sha512(yjhnjy721) sha512(yjhnjy99) sha512(yjhnjyy) sha512(Yjhoho) sha512(YJHOl572) sha512(yjhqXyZv) sha512(yjhrf) sha512(yjhrf001) sha512(yjhrf123) sha512(yjhrf7) sha512(yjhrfutyn) sha512(yjhrfyjhrf) sha512(yjhrjvfy) sha512(YJhs5Ert) sha512(YJhs5ErtSK7SA) sha512(YJHS7UO6) sha512(yjhsCWUm) sha512(yjhskac6) sha512(yjhthhmb) sha512(yjhtyrj) sha512(yjhtyrj12) sha512(yjhv11) sha512(yjhvbr) sha512(yjhvekm) sha512(yjhvekmxbr2) sha512(yjhveyl) sha512(yjhvf) sha512(yjhvf123) sha512(yjhvfhr) sha512(yjhvfk) sha512(yjhvfkmyj) sha512(yjhvfkmyj1) sha512(yjhvfkmyjdyf) sha512(yjhvfkmysq) sha512(yjhvfkmysqgfc) sha512(yjhvfkmysqgfhjkm) sha512(yjhvfktec) sha512(yjhvfktr) sha512(yjhvflthv) sha512(yjhvfy) sha512(yjhvfylbz) sha512(yjhvfylbz1985) sha512(yjhvfylbzch1994) sha512(Yjhvfylbzch1994) sha512(yjhvgfcc) sha512(yjhvjlbgby) sha512(yjhvthu) sha512(yjhWkP9sHfiR) sha512(yjhy) sha512(yjhyus78) sha512(yji123) sha512(yji2475) sha512(yji656) sha512(yji7136) sha512(yji7745) sha512(yji7kb45) sha512(yjiaroyst) sha512(yjib) sha512(yjiBebsCQF) sha512(yJIbl6Hucb) sha512(YJIBOMogYmA312) sha512(yJiBOxILOhOl) sha512(yjic3815) sha512(yjIDeTisyhE) sha512(YjIdG) sha512(YjIDgTVk) sha512(yjidpswd) sha512(yjievaysh) sha512(yjiezbwf) sha512(yjifjkmuf) sha512(yjigfkuby) sha512(yjigfyIl1v30n7) sha512(yjigfyjigf) sha512(yjihuk) sha512(YJIIEGTE) sha512(YJIJWBCJ) sha512(YJIKKB6F) sha512(yJilaQavugir) sha512(YJiliQIX) sha512(yJimASIsoRoTo) sha512(yjINYfiCo) sha512(yjiongip) sha512(YJIPeQEVYji) sha512(YjipyD) sha512(yJiqabiGeDuP) sha512(YJIRADBH) sha512(yjiriovai) sha512(yjismb) sha512(yJitYMeB) sha512(yjIVOmos) sha512(yjivoQiME) sha512(YJizuMUCeQa) sha512(yjj6dznn) sha512(yjjcathf) sha512(yjjcf833) sha512(yjjd) sha512(yjjfmufr) sha512(YjJfQA) sha512(yjJfz5) sha512(yjjh911) sha512(yjjkbmy2) sha512(YJJMRAZV) sha512(yjjnhjgbk) sha512(yjjnhjgbkyjjnhjgbk) sha512(yjJQG2a7) sha512(yjjs4s) sha512(yjjsx5u) sha512(yjju9zHRCgEmqZrDVBnJ) sha512(yjjuz68a97) sha512(yjjvh7u3) sha512(yjjxqnt7ut6) sha512(yjJzYFDPMmlq) sha512(yjk071) sha512(yjk369dv) sha512(yjk4vktk) sha512(yjk633) sha512(yjk92vFhM24) sha512(yJKBclHqzWVrEXllF) sha512(yjkbr) sha512(yjkbrb) sha512(yjkd) sha512(yjkf04071980) sha512(yjkgh2w8) sha512(YJKHZWC8) sha512(yjki6v6b) sha512(yjkj9956) sha512(yjkju) sha512(yjkkf2009) sha512(yjkknrhg) sha512(yjkldkl0n) sha512(yjkljh) sha512(yjklth82) sha512(yjkLW6BA) sha512(yjkm0.) sha512(yjkm1041989) sha512(yjkm12) sha512(yjkmctvm) sha512(yjkmgznm) sha512(yjkmjlby01) sha512(yjkmlbr) sha512(yjkmltdznm09) sha512(yjkmyjkmyjkm) sha512(yjknives123) sha512(yjkogx) sha512(yjkrEQ2F) sha512(YJksacNo) sha512(yjksr) sha512(yjkuygolu867987) sha512(yjkzyxf) sha512(yjl2Dpq) sha512(yjl502) sha512(YJL5wrQTcqIi) sha512(yjl5x8nf) sha512(YJL746F2) sha512(yjlaienai) sha512(yjlbfk) sha512(YJLBY-1) sha512(yjLcpnc) sha512(yJLdiNHc) sha512(YjLEEh) sha512(yjLEFDK5dIa) sha512(yjlfh1995) sha512(yjlfhb) sha512(yjlfhbrepC) sha512(yjlLVLUh) sha512(yjlo6C) sha512(YJLQJTLD) sha512(YJLqvdwZ) sha512(YjlRbE) sha512(YjLSBo) sha512(yjlstoj) sha512(YjlTavEL) sha512(yJLXikEKCIDeM) sha512(yjm221196) sha512(yjm592lcqm6i) sha512(yjm674) sha512(yjm7tu) sha512(yjm87a3) sha512(yjmbfarv) sha512(yjmbXx8oG4) sha512(yjmcbmshy) sha512(yjmdmj7b) sha512(yjmekxvr) sha512(yjmg4j4y) sha512(YJMKIYsHXieEo) sha512(YJMLARWS) sha512(yjmlpo) sha512(yjmmij) sha512(yjmmsd) sha512(yJmrxOpEhqyKaU) sha512(yjmtr4x7) sha512(YjmtxA) sha512(YjMTxA) sha512(YjMTXA) sha512(yjmv6tmy) sha512(yJMW5523) sha512(YJMWDNT) sha512(yjmyjm) sha512(yjmyjmyjmyjm) sha512(YjMZq57X) sha512(yjn6595) sha512(yjn6cw1f5) sha512(yjn7895) sha512(yjn79g) sha512(YjN7b) sha512(yjn8d34b) sha512(yjnbd6mr) sha512(yjnbr1) sha512(yjnbrinbox) sha512(yjNCtP) sha512(yjnfhbec) sha512(yJNGvMuhqpIz) sha512(yjnh12b) sha512(yjnhlfv) sha512(yjnhlfvltgfhb) sha512(YjnhTMr8kjdTI) sha512(yjniku) sha512(yjnjegfm) sha512(yJnL3Xaj) sha512(Yjnnthler) sha512(YJNNWWYG) sha512(yJNp9wWjsf) sha512(yjnrc7g) sha512(yjnrfn) sha512(YjNs7679) sha512(YJNSCEHE) sha512(yjnthlfv) sha512(yjntymrf) sha512(yjnyf2010) sha512(yjnyf95) sha512(yjnyfrkjd) sha512(YjnYiYmSGNLWjo5) sha512(yjnz66678799) sha512(yjnz90189) sha512(yjo2uwaiaoyj2u) sha512(yjob024) sha512(YJoBAborIDE) sha512(YjoC3Bwd) sha512(YjoCBNU) sha512(YJoClMvtCUVBY) sha512(Yjod2m) sha512(yjod8gxm) sha512(yjodEVype) sha512(yJoERo) sha512(YJOGDJAI) sha512(YJOhaqOwoDOso) sha512(yjohEFaNE) sha512(yJoHgIpV) sha512(yjoihu) sha512(YJOjedOG) sha512(yJoJORyfeZir) sha512(yjOKasiW) sha512(yjOkRi) sha512(yjokUFOSiz) sha512(yjones11) sha512(yjooncho) sha512(yjoqky) sha512(yjoqUGoCymUZ) sha512(yJOSYqEv) sha512(YjoSyraJifygo) sha512(yjov9g) sha512(yjoVufOmyKiT) sha512(yjOWAcuXyWY) sha512(YJOWCCOT) sha512(yjOwral0BKuW6) sha512(YJOYEWYU) sha512(YJOzILyjotO902) sha512(yjp1fexx) sha512(yjp577fw8k) sha512(yjp6zfkp) sha512(yjp7gfkp) sha512(YJP998EX) sha512(yjpflpt123) sha512(YJPGZ0F3) sha512(yjpingxi123) sha512(YjPJDg) sha512(yjpje6x8) sha512(YJPJHNWV) sha512(Yjpjvb8262) sha512(yjpkpe) sha512(yjplhb) sha512(yjplhbyf) sha512(yjplhtvjxrf0102) sha512(yJPpFk) sha512(yjpq7ff9) sha512(yJpqZqahrAq) sha512(yjpr7238) sha512(yJPsKsShYJ5Z) sha512(Yjptya) sha512(YjptYa) sha512(YjptYA) sha512(YjPtYa) sha512(YjPtYA) sha512(YjPTyA) sha512(YjPTYA) sha512(yjpuqavwb) sha512(yjpute123) sha512(yjpuzfkp) sha512(yjq6683) sha512(yjq7ytl) sha512(yJqD4vzL) sha512(yJqD4vzLU5) sha512(yjqec5nq) sha512(yjqepgjz) sha512(yjqex9je) sha512(YjqFgJqig8Gtyo) sha512(yjqinhtkbnw) sha512(yjqlfkf) sha512(yjqnk30cze) sha512(yjqpvc96) sha512(YjqSWfsN8B) sha512(yjqwv) sha512(YJqxcXsNHV$2*SmC) sha512(yjqyefsv) sha512(yjqzxy) sha512(yjr3evca) sha512(yjr613) sha512(yjranch) sha512(YjrAtF) sha512(Yjrbczrf17) sha512(yjrbf) sha512(yjrbf0807) sha512(yjrbf1) sha512(yjrbf123) sha512(yjrbf144) sha512(yjrbf1777) sha512(yjrbf1994) sha512(yjrbf1995) sha512(yjrbf2011) sha512(yjrbf3230) sha512(yjrbf5230) sha512(yjrbf5236241) sha512(yjrbf5320) sha512(yjrbf5530) sha512(yjrbf5610d) sha512(yjrbf5800) sha512(yjrbf6280) sha512(yjrbf6290) sha512(yjrbf6300) sha512(yjrbf6500) sha512(yjrbf6600) sha512(yjrbf7500) sha512(yjrbf7610) sha512(yjrbf8899) sha512(yjrbf970h) sha512(yjrbfc5) sha512(yjrbft52) sha512(yjrbfyjrbf) sha512(yjrbj777) sha512(yjrbvjyjhrty89) sha512(yjrbz10) sha512(yjrbz159) sha512(yjrbz2011ntktajy) sha512(yjrbz21101984) sha512(yjrbz27a3) sha512(yjrbz3) sha512(yjrbz3250) sha512(yjrbz5130) sha512(yjrbz55302600) sha512(yjrbz6230) sha512(yjrbz6290) sha512(Yjrbz6630) sha512(yjrbz77) sha512(yjrbz9087) sha512(yjrbzy72) sha512(yjrbzy82) sha512(yjrbzyjrbz) sha512(yjrccdtnf) sha512(YJRCF120477) sha512(yjrcghtq) sha512(YJRDBVUP) sha512(yjre2c) sha512(YJRF3) sha512(yjrfen777) sha512(yjrfsf) sha512(YjRhHF) sha512(Yjrhv5MW) sha512(yjrhyqs8) sha512(yjrjnj93) sha512(yjrkrp64) sha512(yjrkvmqu) sha512(yjrl) sha512(YjrLqFJ) sha512(YJrpk2) sha512(yjrsf1100) sha512(yjrspey) sha512(yjrterh) sha512(yjrug8rm) sha512(yjrx2p8e) sha512(yjryhpwd) sha512(YJrz8zs9) sha512(yjs0301) sha512(yjs0308) sha512(yjs1028) sha512(yjs1481) sha512(YJs1eJ3547) sha512(yJS1vZfE) sha512(yjs4cy3z) sha512(yjs593) sha512(yjs699) sha512(YJSBYSOB) sha512(yjsdi) sha512(yjsdih) sha512(YJSDUEwL) sha512(yjsetbx8) sha512(YJsFW8f5) sha512(yjsg6om4) sha512(yjshRHTc) sha512(yJsJZbngHJ) sha512(yjskm4) sha512(yjsm663123) sha512(yjsn3bkk) sha512(YJSPSLCD) sha512(YJSSATXU) sha512(YJSurTVFWeGjw) sha512(YjsVb58) sha512(yJSZGTh9) sha512(yjt37th8) sha512(Yjt3oauF) sha512(YJT8Avb) sha512(yjtbs6ap) sha512(yjtdvzd2b) sha512(YjTeFb) sha512(YjTf6QJmPbgn) sha512(yJTfhK9U) sha512(yjthgffbg) sha512(YJTjsV5hKa) sha512(yjtk6gs9) sha512(YJtkKN) sha512(YJTMLBON) sha512(yjtn6317qi) sha512(yjtsagw5) sha512(yjtuhtn8) sha512(YJTXujjF) sha512(yjtyhtyhyjtyhtyh) sha512(yjtyjt) sha512(yjtyjytdjghj) sha512(YjtYnjnS) sha512(YJTzRaGV) sha512(yju$u#yVyBuTu5) sha512(yju273) sha512(yju4765) sha512(yju50766) sha512(YjU6a) sha512(yjua8xh) sha512(yjub1979) sha512(yjubb123) sha512(yjubdhjn) sha512(yjubgjnyst) sha512(yjubizuga) sha512(yjubvytdhjn912735) sha512(yjuby1974) sha512(yjubycr) sha512(yjubycthtuf) sha512(yjubyftrfnthbyf) sha512(yjuct7kik) sha512(yjUe24Qj) sha512(yjuecdtkj) sha512(yjuecdtkj3679) sha512(YJUECTCS) sha512(yjuf45) sha512(yjuf777) sha512(yjuf9925122) sha512(YJUFDWOS) sha512(yjufpyjuf) sha512(yjufrjnf7) sha512(yJUFuM7o) sha512(yjufvb) sha512(yjufyj) sha512(yjufyj99) sha512(yjufyjuf) sha512(yjUFyruQobis) sha512(yjuf-z) sha512(yjug1tt) sha512(yjugb) sha512(YJUGRHYF) sha512(YJUGYjyz) sha512(yjuhogee) sha512(YJuj7lxu) sha512(yjujdbws) sha512(yjUjEQyvumY5eq) sha512(yjujnjxrb) sha512(yjujnm) sha512(yjujnm256) sha512(yjujnmyjujnm) sha512(yjujnrb) sha512(YJUjRr) sha512(yjuk39wd) sha512(yjukbrb1981) sha512(yjukuciv) sha512(yjukzk) sha512(yjunb1) sha512(yjunio123) sha512(yjunjula) sha512(yjuntuhsp) sha512(yjunYTYJ) sha512(yjUOVVRz) sha512(yjup2j) sha512(yJupe5a2EduZuN) sha512(yjur4h8hcw) sha512(yjurmy) sha512(yjussony) sha512(yJUSUXOTe) sha512(yjuufyj) sha512(YJUUFYJ) sha512(yjuufyj1) sha512(yjuufyj175uea175) sha512(yjuufyj1983) sha512(yjuufyj232323) sha512(yjuufyj33) sha512(yjuufyjbuea) sha512(yjuv6yy) sha512(yjUVABY7E4U) sha512(yjuyOoD969) sha512(yJV2KyTLQ4B) sha512(yjv318) sha512(yjv744) sha512(YJv7VnI) sha512(yjvbh1) sha512(Yjvbk52) sha512(yjvbprjlbki) sha512(yjvbrjne) sha512(yjvby) sha512(yjvbyfk) sha512(yjvbzctvgfq) sha512(yjvenmrj) sha512(yJvF5MCE) 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sha512(ykenjiryu123) sha512(ykenxs94) sha512(ykeo1b) sha512(yKEqynuj) sha512(yker99) sha512(YkeRBQUd) sha512(ykes) sha512(ykesha) sha512(ykesmrh5) sha512(YkesTt) sha512(ykEtiyFh) sha512(yketm5ne) sha512(ykEtyPyDImY) sha512(ykeupuje7) sha512(ykeussuaky) sha512(ykeuzimia) sha512(YkevalMd) sha512(YkeWASAtyp) sha512(ykewcru83) sha512(ykExUNIsys) sha512(YkeYe) sha512(ykeys3ce) sha512(ykeZUgyf) sha512(ykf0ykf0) sha512(ykf23snd) sha512(yKf33p2c) sha512(ykf6462) sha512(ykf648) sha512(ykf923) sha512(ykfcmbeg) sha512(YKFcTvVNM7I) sha512(yKfdec122) sha512(yKFe7Nb9vd)
Monday, July 24, 2023
2320 Interesting News
- Tensions will linger over a Chinese balloon downed by America
- The taboos around sexual health are weakening
- Oppenheimer's use of sacred text in sex scene angers Hindu right wing in India
- A new wave of mass migration has begun
- 'I see them as cautionary tales': Kristine Potter's darkly imagined American south
- How deadly are these heatwaves – and how hot will they get?
- Oppenheimer Almost Discovered Black Holes Before He Became 'Destroyer of Worlds'
- Spain: severe floods sweep cars away after torrential rain – video report
- How Vladimir Putin provokes—and complicates—the struggle against autocracy
- Do tips make for better service?
- Firms search for greener supplies of graphite for EV batteries
- Nearby Supernova Gives Unique View of a Dying Star's Last Days
- The 2023 Eisner Award Winners Are Here
- The Dark Secrets Buried at Red Cloud Boarding School
- LIBOR will at last be switched off in June
- Daniel Brush's drive to understand beauty led him to the life of a hermit
- How a Cloud Flaw Gave Chinese Spies a Key to Microsoft's Kingdom
- Politics
- A new super-regulator takes aim at rampant corruption in Chinese finance
- OK Surfers, How Much Would It Cost to Power Your Own Wave?
- What to make of China's military drills around Taiwan
- What is supercharging the global heat? – video explainer
- Holy Cow, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Is Doing a Musical Episode
- Open-source intelligence is piercing the fog of war in Ukraine
- An American-backed foreign force may be sent to Haiti
- Looking for the African middle class? Head to the bus park
- Never Trumpers get 'brutal wake-up call' as Republican candidates flounder
- This week's cover
- Hidden - Windows Driver With Usermode Interface Which Can Hide Processes, File-System And Registry Objects, Protect Processes And Etc
- TikTok adds text posts to compete with Instagram Stories
- The upside of workplace jargon
- The Remarkable Resilience of Ukraine's Tech Sector
- This week's cover
- Even doctors can struggle to diagnose concussions
- Why wretched Lebanese are fleeing across the sea
- What America's bike-share schemes tell you about venture capital
- Who will be Iran's next leader?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Astrophysicist (and Queen Guitarist) Brian May to Co-Author Asteroid Atlas
- Could the U.S. still see a recession? A handy primer about the confusing economy
- The future of fish farming is on land
- Why the death of Ukraine's grain deal is not moving wheat markets
- Bolivia is on the brink of an economic crisis
- The bad bind bedevilling Mike Pence and Chris Christie
- 15 Best Deals: Desktop Monitors, Gaming Keyboards, and Sex Toys
- Turkey has given up promoting political Islam abroad
- Rivalry between America and China has spread to the Indian Ocean
- Why China's government might struggle to revive its economy
- France's top general on lessons from the battlefield
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Wild Donkeys Are on the Vanguard of Ukraine's Ecological Recovery
- Hedge fund Sculptor agrees $639mn takeover by Rithm Capital
- A hit film recalling an ancient poem fuels Chinese nationalist fervour
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Threads Is the New Cool Hangout—for Brands
- Large, creative AI models will transform lives and labour markets
- Politics
- Hong Kong starts its largest national-security trial
- Turkish property prices are soaring
- Economists and investors should pay less attention to consumers
- Why are Latin American workers so strikingly unproductive?
- Business
- An anatomy of hard times in the city
- When it comes to a war with Taiwan, many Chinese urge caution
- America's big banks are in rude health—with one exception
- Albanese hands Rishi Sunak picture of Bairstow stumping at Nato meeting – video
- What performance-enhancing stimulants mean for economic growth
- Who Will Attend the First Republican Debate? What We Know About Trump and His Rivals.
- What the West gets wrong about peacemaking in Sudan
- Hindenburg Research takes on Carl Icahn
- Mexico steps up rain-making project amid intense heatwave and drought
- Badsecrets - A Library For Detecting Known Secrets Across Many Web Frameworks
- This week's covers
- The Most Awesome Cosplay of San Diego Comic-Con 2023, Day 4
- Don't Ask Dumb Robots If AI Will Destroy Humanity
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- An ambitious plan for "total peace" in Colombia is faltering
- As response rates decline, the risk of polling errors rises
- An advocate of sustainable capitalism explains how it's done
- Europe's next inflation victim? Sugary treats
- ExpressVPN review: Our favorite for gaming and streaming
- How Campbeltown has responded to the boom in Scottish whisky
- The Future of Children's Television Isn't Television
- Latin American cities are becoming far nicer for poorer inhabitants
- "Trading Places" and the challenge of troubling art of the past
- Tough language from Xi Jinping belies his anxiety
- Inflation has yet to dent big food's earnings
- Fiddling with Egypt's clocks
- Radioactive Fallout from the Trinity Nuclear Test Impacted 46 U.S. States, Study Finds
- Russia Attacks Ukrainian Grain Terminal, Blames Kyiv for Fresh Drone Strikes
- How Kyiv fended off a Russian missile blitz in May
- Inflation and rising demands on governments are changing economic policy
- How the mutiny in Russia will shape the battlefield in Ukraine
- Joe Biden attempts to defang the Chinese tiger
- Chicago hopes to become a world centre for quantum research
- How popular is Joe Biden?
- The conflict in Ukraine risks inflaming the Sino-American rivalry
- Vox party's hardline attitudes appear to have turned off Spanish voters
- Sam Altman's Worldcoin crypto project begins international rollout
- C-section Rates Are Way Too High. We Need to Hold Doctors and Hospitals Accountable
- The Healthcare Prices We Need to See
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- To survive, Britain's NHS must stop fixating on hospital care
- Why Joe Biden's trustbusters have fallen short of their ambitions
- American states are bailing out public transport
- Business
- Why Ukraine needs American cluster bombs
- Hunter Biden's plea bargain will not stop Republicans chasing him
- Elon Musk's Grand xAI Plans
- US Spies Are Buying Americans' Private Data. Congress Has a Chance to Stop It
- What luxury stocks say about the new cold war
- How many Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine?
- A tussle for control of Interpol pits good cops against bad
- Nude Videos of Kids From Hacked Baby Monitors Were Sold on Telegram
- The Mexican Supreme Court does battle with AMLO
- The world's deadliest war last year wasn't in Ukraine
- Can Australia break China's monopoly on critical minerals?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How to reduce the damage done by gentrification – podcast
- A Leaked Memo Shows TikTok Knows It Has a Labor Problem
- A new book celebrates Annie Leibovitz's fashion photography
- South Korea has America in its face and China breathing down its neck
- What does Xi Jinping want from Vladimir Putin?
- India: Delhi flooded after swollen river breaks through broken regulator – video report
- Here's What 'Oppenheimer' Gets Right--and Wrong--about Nuclear History
- Reading the death certificate on Boris Johnson's political career
- 'We share blood': The US-born players leading the Philippines' World Cup charge
- Best Rural Internet Providers of 2023 - CNET
- Vladimir Putin is dragging the world back to a bloodier time
- Donald Trump has become more dangerous
- Are video games really addictive?
- The Boys Spinoff Gen V Gets a Gory, Brutal First Trailer
- The potential and the plight of the middle manager
- Canada's wildfires have burnt an area 16 times larger than normal
- In Japan, festivals are boldly taking art into the countryside
- Rural Americans are importing tiny Japanese pickup trucks
- The best budget gaming accessories for 2023
- This week's covers
- The Supreme Court Should Back Firearms Restraints That Save Lives
- How to stop the killing
- Russia Defies Sanctions by Selling Oil Above Price Cap
- Bakhmut and the spirit of Verdun
- The world's biggest democracy is becoming less free
- What are the chances of an AI apocalypse?
- Business
- The state of democracy in Africa and the Middle East
- Rural Africans are finding work beyond their farms
- Spoutible's Low-Budget, Audacious Quest to Be the Next Twitter
- British inflation may not be as sticky as thought
- Micronesia takes on China
- How Christopher Nolan Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI
- Politicians in Libya make another ill-fated push for elections
- How a front-line city became Ukraine's romantic capital
- "You will always be 0% prepared": Ukraine's refugees on life far from home
- Argentina's populist political movement is at its lowest ebb
- Russia and Iran are upgrading their transport links
- Sources and acknowledgments
- The Quiet Rise of Real-Time Crime Centers
- Our generation was told liberal economics would make us free. Look at us now. We were misled | Nesrine Malik
- As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring
- Nepo babies are taking over the workplace
- Samsung Unpacked: How to Watch This Week's Galaxy Fold 5, Flip 5 Event - CNET
- LVMH becomes late addition to running order of Paris Olympic sponsors
- A cautionary tale from the streets of San Francisco
- The biggest obstacle to saving rainforests is lawlessness
- Pure Oxygen Speeds Up Learning. Can It Help Stroke Survivors Recover?
- Egyptians are disgruntled with President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi
- Narendra Modi is rewriting Indian history
- Emmanuel Macron's vision of a more muscular Europe is coming true
- Are young children in Britain getting smaller?
- The Hollywood Actors Strike Will Revolutionize the AI Fight
- The four women who shook up philosophy
- The revealing appeal of China's cheapest city
- Britain's new political sorcerer: the Reform Fairy
- East Asia's new family portrait
- The Economist's glass-ceiling index
- Businesses are in for a mighty debt hangover
- Why Is Tracy Chapman at the Center of a Country-Music Controversy?
- Why Central Asians are flocking to Britain
- Peng Ming-min fought for the idea of "one China and one Formosa"
- China simulates precision strikes on Taiwan
- Taiwan needs a new defence strategy to deal with China
- The Hidden Career Cost of Being Overweight
- The choice between a poorer today and a hotter tomorrow
- Obituary: Ernst van de Wetering could spot a Rembrandt anywhere
- China's influence in South-East Asia has grown. America's has waned
- A battle against spies in China is spooking locals and foreigners
- This week's covers
- Schools Sue Social-Media Platforms Over Alleged Harms to Students
- Adding up the fiscal drag from ageing, energy and defence
- Fusion power is coming back into fashion
- Refugee-friendly Canada tightens its border with the United States
- NicolĂ¡s Maduro, Venezuela's autocrat, is winning
- This week's covers
- Italy's new government needs to make deep economic reforms
- A huge Norwegian phosphate rock find is a boon for Europe
- Greece's prime minister wins an election, but lacks a majority
- Supporters of Jair Bolsonaro mount an insurrection in Brazil
- Gato - GitHub Self-Hosted Runner Enumeration And Attack Tool
- The Chinese are working more hours than ever
- Iran's proxies in the Middle East remain a powerful force
- A short history of Hollywood's poison-pen letters to itself
- Dow Edges Higher, Its 10th Gain in a Row
- The WIRED Guide to Digital Security
- Vladimir Zhirinovsky's highly methodical madness
- 'EA Sports FC' Just Killed 'FIFA 24'
- George Orwell's horticultural sensibilities
- Greta Thunberg fined for disobeying Swedish police at climate protest
- Politics
- A new book explores the symbiosis of espionage and entertainment
- What MBS wants from Joe Biden
- Israel launched its biggest raid on the West Bank in over 20 years
- America and Iran try to step back from the brink over nukes
- Beat the Heat With This $55 Dreo Tower Fan ($45 Off) - CNET
- Which firm will win the new Moon race?
- Tesla offers customers one-time Full Self-Driving transfer until September 30th
- Gov. Abbott refuses to remove floating border wall, tells Biden 'see you in court'
- Why You Have to Care About These 12 Colleges
- Why Walmart is trouncing Amazon in the grocery wars
- Can Sweden's two-track economy avoid a recession?
- Pay for bosses in Britain falls far behind America. Tough luck
- Tree-felling is at the centre of disputes across Britain
- How Edward Enninful's Vogue changed British culture
- Ann Shulgin pioneered the use of psychedelics in therapy
- DC Will Bring Crisis on Infinite Earths and Watchmen to Animated Life in 2024
- Politics
- The effects on Turkey of Syria's civil war
- How white-collar warriors gear up for the day
- Why American Businesses Can't Stop Asking for Tips
- The war in Ukraine shows how technology is changing the battlefield
- AirPods Pro drop back to a record low of $199
- Is China better at monetary policy than America?
- Spotify Increases Prices for Premium Accounts - CNET
- Temperatures of 50°C will become much more common around the Mediterranean
- How to beat desk rage
- Why the EU will not seize Russian state assets to rebuild Ukraine
- Labour's green industrial policy will not cure Britain's economic ills
- China's message to the global south
- Julius Baer pulls in more than $10bn after Credit Suisse collapse
- Narendra Modi is the world's most popular leader
- Satellites Are Rife With Basic Security Flaws
- 15 Best PS5 Games (2023): 'Diablo IV', 'Star Wars', and More
- City Sewers Can't Handle Climate Change's Intense Rains
- Vaping among schoolchildren has become a moral panic in Britain
- Erotic statues in Peru are challenging taboos
- Why Cape Town beats Johannesburg
- How bad are the current market jitters?
- How many people died after China lifted its zero-covid policy?
- The Heat Wave Scorching the US Is a Self-Perpetuating Monster
- America is less dominant in defence spending than you might think
- The Supreme Court declines to upend American election law
- Jean-Jacques Sempé was an unparalleled observer of the human condition
- A pilgrimage to the mecca of mediumship
- Elon Musk Replaces Twitter's Blue Bird With an 'X'
- The dollar's dip will not become a sustained decline
- What Is the Internet of Things? A WIRED Guide
- The Economist's UK election poll tracker
- What's an Influencer? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The WIRED Guide to Commercial Human Space Flight
- The burning of the banlieues
- Software is now as important as hardware in cars
- How oceans became new technological battlefields
- Why Europe's asylum policy desperately needs rebooting
- A "Divine Comedy" ballet, 700 years after Dante's death
- Development finance needs to be bolder
- A spat over farming bodes ill for Ukraine's future European prospects
- Ukraine's counter-offensive appears to have begun
- Under Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua has become a one-party state
- Latin America's left-wing experiment is a warning to the world
- Women take over France's powerful trade unions
- China's new "Top Gun" normalises war with America
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Mosquitos Are Moving to Higher Elevations—and So Is Malaria
- Carl Bernstein's memoir traces his path to Watergate
- Why Africa is one of the most unequal continents in the world
- The Most Awesome Cosplay of San Diego Comic-Con 2023, Day 3
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan is re-elected as Turkey's president
- Narendra Modi's party takes a beating in Karnataka
- India's journey from agricultural basket case to breadbasket
- China's local-debt crisis is about to get nasty
- The ocean is as important to the climate as the atmosphere
- A changing car industry should result in more choice and better motoring
- In drought-stricken Europe, leaky pipes are worsening the problem
- There is a worrying amount of fraud in medical research
- "Scaling People" is a textbook piece of management writing
- Can Barbenheimer bring cinema back – and save us from 40-hour TV series? | Zoe Williams
- Labour's cabinet would be Britain's most state-educated since 1945
- The Taliban have launched an impressive new war on drugs
- Press freedom is under attack
- The hard-right Vox could be in Spain's next government
- The son of Iran's last shah bids to regain the throne
- DeSantis is a truer believer, if a lesser politician, than Trump
- Lester Piggott had only one aim in view
- How pop culture went multipolar
- Frontline Formosa
- South Korea, having sworn to lead the green transition, is holding it up
- Star Wars: The High Republic Teases Its Deadliest Trials Yet at San Diego Comic-Con
- The Planet Can't Wait
- The Scientists Who Understood Their Obligation to Humanity
- The world is in the grip of a manufacturing delusion
- Cubans rage against the dying of the light
- Canada has a shortage of lifeguards
- The novel ways old people try to find love in China
- A former bureaucrat is giving Erdogan a run for his money
- In Asia data flows are part of a new great game
- Silk Road's Second-in-Command, Variety Jones, Gets 20 Years in Prison
- At last, Xi Jinping calls Volodymyr Zelensky
- Blackbone - Windows Memory Hacking Library
- Bangladesh's economic miracle is in jeopardy
- Post-mutiny Moscow descends into factional murk
- Spain's Elections Pit Gig Workers Against the Far Right
- Armies are re-learning how to fight in cities
- Madeleine Albright saw herself as an ambassador for freedom
- The war in Ukraine is boosting Israel's arms exports
- An enormous—and unexpected—lump of granite has been found on the Moon
- What happened at COP26?
- The Wrong-Apartment Problem
- America is courting India in part for its growing economic clout
- Gene-Edited Yeast Is Taking Over Craft Beer
- Politics
- Supply chains are back to normal. Why is inflation still so high?
- How to Sell Your Old Comics
- How the Human Genome Project revolutionised biology
- An Ancient Battle Is Playing Out in the DNA of Every Embryo
- Will Elon Musk's X rebrand help Twitter soar to new heights?
- Adidas scores a hit with first batch of unsold Yeezy shoes
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Shyam Saran Negi never failed in his democratic duty
- Tui cancels flights to Rhodes as Ryanair continues despite wildfires
- Southern Baptists are arguing about the extent of male authority
- Annalena Baerbock's trip to China shows her talent and her limitations
- Mimi Reinhard typed up Schindler's list
- Two books assess the fight against global corruption
- Once Russia's best friend in the West, Austria is facing trouble
- 'There's no other option but to fight': Iranian women defiant as 'morality police' return
- Middle-class Sri Lankans are fleeing their country
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The 2023 crony-capitalism index
- How Ukraine's enemy is also learning lessons, albeit slowly
- Judge and staff shortages are leaving Americans in limbo
- Public money must pave the way for private investment in climate-change adaptation
- Charles McGee faced adversity at home as much as abroad
- The best books of 2021
- Blacklist3r - Accumulate Secret Keys / Secret Materials Related To Various Web Frameworks
- Worldcoin, Sam Altman's Creepy Vision for Iris-Scanning 'Global Digital Currency', Begins Rollout
- Shane Warne believed that cricket should always be fun
- Indiana Jones and the fedora boom
- The problems ailing Western Europe's left are not just cyclical
- Business families in the Gulf need modern laws of inheritance
- How geopolitical tensions could disrupt the global car industry
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Do Britons even like the royal family?
- Politics
- Twitter changes logo to X in corporate rebranding
- Why Songs Get Stuck in Your Head—and How to Stop Them
- The Complete History And Future of Robots
- How India is using digital technology to project power
- Why activist investors are going to have a busy year
- What to do about your traction slide when you don't have revenue yet
- Wasp larvae that eat aphids alive may save apple crops
- Forget Teslas, India's EV revolution is happening on two wheels
- The Musk-Zuckerberg social-media smackdown
- Why the Fed Isn't Ready to Declare Victory on Inflation
- Oppenheimer's secret city is a shrine to the Manhattan Project
- Foreign airlines in Nigeria are frustrated by the blocking of their funds
- Artists hope to turn selfies into comets
- Life under the rule of the Taliban 2.0
- A palatial museum of Edvard Munch's art opens in Oslo
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Sweden wants to build an entire city from wood
- TikTok is adding support for text posts
- The energy transition will be expensive
- Southern Italy needs private enterprise and infrastructure
- Brother Andrew secretly carried Bibles behind the Iron Curtain
- Why the Communist Party fears gay rights
- Another comeback for China's street merchants
- Kokopelli Chasm-Lite Stand-Up Paddleboard Review: Inflatable Summer Fun
- Russia's friends are a motley—and shrinking—crew
- The Palestinian Authority is being eclipsed by radical militants
- Artemis - A Modular Web Reconnaissance Tool And Vulnerability Scanner
- China's war on financial reality
- China's Communist Party is tightening its grip in businesses
- Chinese propaganda is surprisingly effective abroad
- How Zionism has evolved from a project to an ideology
- America's Corporate Tragedy
- Costly climate rules are turning Germans away from the Greens
- Why the Omicron variant is not a punishment for vaccine inequity
- Israeli lawmakers pass a key law to weaken the judiciary despite public outrage
- How Russian casualties in Ukraine compare with other wars
- The Ukraine War Shows the US Military-Industrial Complex Isn't Battle Ready
- Obituary: Jean "Binta" Breeze spoke for all Jamaican women
- Antarctic rocks can help sort stone tools from natural lookalikes
- Chevron Waives Retirement Age for CEO Mike Wirth
- Egypt's army seems to want to make pasta as well as war
- Inside Lyft CEO David Risher's Efforts to Stabilize the Company
- Sony WF-1000XM5 earbuds review
- NBCUniversal Gets Weak Fine for Mid-Strike Tree Pruning
- How Will AI Affect Authors? | io9 Interview
- Chinese nationalists are annoyed about colonial-era place names
- Franz Mohr was the man who made great concerts possible
- Technology is deepening civilian involvement in war
- USAID is changing the way it tries to do good in the world
- Ukraine's counter-offensive is making mixed progress
- An expert on civil war issues a warning about America
- The Song That Made Tony Bennett a Star
- What happens if America defaults on its debt?
- Meet the world's most flirtatious sovereign-wealth fund
- Narendra Modi's yoga evangelism
- America is lavishing attention on Pacific island states
- Here's What Physics Tells Us about Barbie's World
- KAL's cartoon
- Car firms are trying out new ways to sell mobility
- The origin of grapevines is a tangled vine itself
- ByteDance, TikTok's Chinese parent, reports a record profit
- After banning cinema for decades, Saudi Arabia is making movies
- Could Ukraine's allies be sending it more weapons?
- Climate Change: The Complete WIRED Guide
- Dobbs electrified supporters of abortion rights
- As they cut back on hiring, Arab bureaucracies are spending more to get less
- Life and death in a Christmas tree
- Sakamoto Ryuichi heard how the world sounds—and changed it
- America and China try to move past a new bump in relations
- Policymakers are likely to jettison their 2% inflation targets
- Britain's doctors are on strike, again
- A Very Tasty, Very Cold Experiment
- Political instability in Italy has always affected reform
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How a balloon burst Sino-American talks
- Asian businesses are being dragged into the chip war
- Splitting a Second Home With Family or Friends? Get a Lawyer
- Indians are flocking to study at British universities
- A new world order seeks to prioritise security and climate change
- Politics
- The Economist's finance and economics internship
- 'Barbenheimer' Blowup Is a Flash in the Pan
- Erdogan's empire
- Your employer is (probably) unprepared for artificial intelligence
- Compare Your Energy Choices and Electricity Rates by State - CNET
- US stocks edge up as investors prepare for earnings and Fed meeting
- China's latest attempt to rally the world against Western values
- Russians have helped make Dubai's property market red hot—again
- Sacking Tucker Carlson has put a dent in Fox News's ratings
- Colson Whitehead Loses the Plot
- WPAxFuzz - A Full-Featured Open-Source Wi-Fi Fuzzer
- Many thousands of Africans have disappeared in conflict
- Brazil's next president will face a big, tricky in-tray
- Sony WF-1000XM5 earbuds review: Striving for perfection
- Obituary: Colin Powell thought America should tread carefully in the world
- A deepening crisis in Scotland's ruling party
- Matildas wary of Nigerian threat in pivotal Women's World Cup clash
- Why Britain is updating its laws on surrogacy and gamete donation
- WandaVision Is Getting a Physical Release, That Doesn't Come With WandaVision
- The case for a third-party campaign in 2024 is actuarial, not ideological
- Montana, climate-change pioneer
- The Indian Premier League is taking over global cricket
- Republicans intensify their assault on city governments
- The world's population has reached 8bn. Don't panic
- Abe Shinzo believed that Japan should assert itself in the world
- 7 Best Trackers (2023): GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Cellular
- Newfangled coins and mercenaries may have brought about democracy
- February's earthquakes have damaged the Middle East's dams
- Plants call for help with a chemical employed by people as a drug
- Meta's Threads Could Make—or Break—the Fediverse
- Fran Drescher delivers fiery speech against Hollywood studios as actors strike – video
- Battles over streaming break out for video games
- Geothermal Everywhere: Finding the Energy to Save the World
- Open Channel: Tell Us Your Thoughts on Barbie
- Pope Benedict XVI was an iron fist in a white glove
- The Great PowerPoint Panic of 2003
- It is getting easier for new entrants to make cars
- Sana Amanat Explains How Iman Vellani Became the New Writer for Ms. Marvel
- Impulse Space is flying high with new funding led by RTX Ventures
- Narendra Modi is rebuilding New Delhi
- Parenting can be bad for the kids
- Gabriel Zucman, a controversial John Bates Clark medallist
- Brazil reckons with the life and legacy of an abolitionist
- How to bring scents to the metaverse
- Visualising India's record-breaking rainfall
- The New Minstrels Are Here
- China brokers an Iran-Saudi rapprochement
- De'Longhi TrueBrew Drip Coffee Maker: The Joe Is Just So-So
- How well-connected Iranians import their goodies
- One year after Dobbs, America's pro-life movement is in flux
- Don't Join Threads—Make Instagram's 'Twitter Killer' Join You
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why Xi Jinping is not another Chairman Mao
- Credit Suisse fined $388mn over Archegos collapse
- The Guardian view on the Spanish election: a good day when voters said '¡No pasarĂ¡n!' to the far right | Editorial
- The South is fast becoming America's industrial heartland
- Thousands of species of animals probably have consciousness
- Business
- Max Martin knows how to create a number-one hit
- This week's covers
- Canada's miserly defence spending is increasingly embarrassing
- A decades-old model of animal (and human) learning is under fire
- How long will the travel boom last?
- Can Ukraine capitalise on chaos in Russia?
- Myanmar's conflict is dividing South-East Asia
- Drug-trafficking networks are expanding into new territories
- Ukraine's assault in Zaporizhia may be the focus of its offensive
- Can anything pop the everything bubble?
- Bropper - An Automatic Blind ROP Exploitation Tool
- Politics
- Can the West win over the rest of the world?
- Meta gets whacked with a €1.2bn penalty
- BioNTech's boss, Ugur Sahin, remains sanguine about Omicron
- Researchers find a way to make VR headsets more realistic
- Ukrainian advances on Donetsk and Zaporizhia can be seen from space
- An ultra-processed diet made this doctor sick. Now he's studying why
- India leads a boom in orders for passenger jets
- Senegal's President Macky Sall says he won't stand for a third term
- A Novel Type of Neural Network Comes to the Aid of Big Physics
- Syria's president wants non-Muslim religions to help end his pariah status
- Asia is rowing about Fukushima nuclear wastewater
- The Night 17 Million Precious Military Records Went Up in Smoke
- Nova Scotia: body found amid search for four missing after 'furious' flooding
- Abdulrazak Gurnah wins the Nobel prize in literature for 2021
- Banks Are Going on a Diet
- Attack of the feral parakeets in New York
- The strange tale of a prominent North Korean defector
- China controls the supply of crucial war minerals
- "Bonsoir l'Europe!" How languages affect Eurovision scores
- The Best Personal Safety Devices, Apps, and Wearables (2023)
- 'Barbie' beats 'Oppenheimer' at the box office with a record $155 million debut
- Inflation usually hits America's poor hardest. Not this time
- A spat in Brussels pits an open vision of Europe against an insular one
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Turkey faces a crucial election this summer
- Russia Defies Sanctions by Selling Oil Above Price Cap
- Milan Kundera believed that truth lay in endless questioning
- The battle to control Mexican telecoms
- A gigantic landslide shows the limit to how high mountains can grow
- African governments say credit-rating agencies are biased against them
- Nikki Haley, like other long shots, sees a path to victory
- America will struggle to pay for ultra-expensive gene therapies
- Complexities of moderating and classifying video games
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan is favoured to win Turkey's presidential election
- 'Trying to make the world starve': Russian drones destroy grain warehouses at Ukraine ports
- Are You a Lucid Dreamer?
- A New Class Is Ready To Act Out in Tiny Toons Looniversity
- The green revolution will stall without Latin America's lithium
- Jay Pasachoff travelled the world to catch the Moon eclipsing the Sun
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- KAL's cartoon
- Green-lit or greenlighted? Gaslighted or gaslit?
- A digital payments revolution in India
- From Frank Sinatra to Lady Gaga: Tony Bennett's greatest duets
- Hitting the Books: 'Vision Zero' could help reclaim roads from American car culture
- The diversity of intimacy – in pictures
- Ukraine's frustrating summer
- Are cities in Asia becoming better places to live?
- KAL's cartoon
- Javier Milei, an Argentine libertarian, is rising in the polls
- How U.S. Drug Companies Could Tip Europe Into Recession
- Brazil's new president may soon face another threat: his predecessor
- 'Back to the Future' on Broadway: Buckle Your (DeLorean) Seatbelt
- Bob Dole believed in hard work, not words
- This week's cover
- For Giorgia Meloni, supporting Ukraine has some useful benefits
- The Turkish opposition faces big obstacles to winning the election
- ScrapPY - A Python Utility For Scraping Manuals, Documents, And Other Sensitive PDFs To Generate Wordlists That Can Be Utilized By Offensive Security Tools
- Japan offers Ukraine a lesson in reconstruction
- 5 Ways ChatGPT Can Improve, Not Replace, Your Writing
- Woman found dead in apparent bear encounter outside of Yellowstone National Park
- Business
- Daniel Ortega expels 222 political prisoners from Nicaragua
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan beats his challenger as Turkey votes
- KAL's cartoon
- Habitat loss and climate change increase the risk of new diseases
- Apple's MagSafe Leather Wallet drops to its cheapest price this year
- Executive coaching is useful therapy that you can expense
- The Smart Gadgets That Can Save Your Home---and Your Money
- A prisoner swap is a symbolic step towards ending the Saudi-led war in Yemen
- A renewed push on Bakhmut fuels rumours of a Ukrainian counter-offensive
- Richard Leakey established Kenya as a prime source of hominid fossils
- Many wealthy people are considering leaving China
- Tina Turner turned a tough life into splendour
- Gloria Allen ran a charm school for young trans women
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Around the world, bans do not make abortion much rarer
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- On the 50th anniversary of "Ways of Seeing" and "G."
- Pete Buttigieg Loves God, Beer, and His Electric Mustang
- Ron Galella, the original paparazzo, died on April 30th, aged 91
- Microsoft to Offer Some Cybersecurity Free After Suspected China Hack
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Sources and acknowledgments
- China's new Great Wall
- Labour makes striking gains in the heartland of Brexit
- Studying broken chromosomes can illuminate neuroscience
- Small-town Chinese officials are making money with music festivals
- "Aftermath" is a piercing study of Germany after 1945
- Could the war in Ukraine go nuclear?
- Latin America's single mothers are being left behind
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why are Vietnam's schools so good?
- Business
- Eurozone downturn deepened in July, business survey indicates
- Justin Schmidt made a lifetime study of insects that attack us
- Can the debt-ceiling deal hold?
- Does Sam Altman Know What He's Creating?
- How the Indigo Girls Brought Barbie 'Closer to Fine'
- How Russia is trying to win over the global south
- It will take years to get Deutsche Bahn back on track
- It's Getting Harder for the Government to Secretly Flag Your Social Posts
- Politics
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- KAL's cartoon
- A new play stages excerpts from the Grenfell Tower fire inquiry
- America's other great migration
- Hollywood's writers go on strike
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Central-bank digital currencies are talked about more than coming to fruition
- Five ways England can kickstart Women's World Cup campaign | Suzanne Wrack
- Rebooting Ron DeSantis's Campaign
- Silvio Berlusconi duped Italians for years
- Santiago Peña, a former economist, is Paraguay's next president
- The Qatar World Cup shows how football is changing
- What to make of the Supreme Court's tumultuous term
- How men with guns aggravate global hunger
- AMLO's austerity has hurt Mexico
- India's solar power rollout is flagging
- Jackery Explorer 2000 Plus Review: Dependable and Portable
- What is Crispr Gene Editing? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Sad little boys: the backlash against Britain's boarding schools
- The rise and rise of e-sports
- A new way to clean up the steel industry
- Environments can affect language—just not how you think
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why America and Europe fret about China turning inwards
- How Survives—and Thrives—in Amazon's World
- The business of businesses is climate-change adaptation
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Wet Leg, Fontaines DC … Kylie? The weird world of post-punk superproducer Dan Carey
- How Threads' Privacy Policy Compares to Twitter's (and Its Rivals')
- Politics
- Cheap vaccines could prevent millions of deaths from cervical cancer
- Joe Biden should run against the Ivy League
- Sucking a carbon-neutral fuel out of thin air
- Does 'Buy American' Policy Make Sense? The Answer Is Key for Your AI Portfolio Too
- Lego, the world's top toymaker, focuses on China
- Geert Mak takes stock of the past 20 years of European history
- Does Islam smile on cryptocurrency?
- Henry Kissinger and Eric Schmidt take on AI
- SolarWinds: The Untold Story of the Boldest Supply-Chain Hack
- The Ugandan state unlawfully detains a novelist
- To understand Xi Jinping, it helps to be steeped in the classics
- There's No Escaping Trump
- Fifteen notable lives lost in 2022
- Business
- Chinese singles face the heat over the holiday
- Israeli parliament votes in Netanyahu's controversial supreme court changes
- Britain's Public Order Act goes too far
- How generative models could go wrong
- How ChatGPT could help teachers and lower the cost of college
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Startups are producing real dairy without a cow in sight
- Lebanon's government is squeezing out Syrian refugees
- A geopolitical setback for China in the Pacific
- Share details of Turkey off the beaten track – and win a holiday
- Latin America is set to become a major oil producer this decade
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Microsoft's Bing Chat comes to Chrome and Safari in tests for 'select users'
- Italy needs to spend more, faster
- ReconAIzer - A Burp Suite Extension To Add OpenAI (GPT) On Burp And Help You With Your Bug Bounty Recon To Discover Endpoints, Params, URLs, Subdomains And More!
- Best Roku TV for 2023 - CNET
- The Daniel Perry case shows the contradictions of gun enthusiasts in Texas
- Germany Is No Longer Exceptional
- A film about Argentina's history sheds light on its politics today
- Even the Flipper Zero Is Getting Its Own App Store
- Oppenheimer Nightmares? You're Not Alone.
- India's foreign minister on ties with America, China and Russia
- White House Says Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft Agree to AI Safeguards
- Ron DeSantis is relying on big donors and his super PAC
- The invasion of Ukraine is not the first social media war, but it is the most viral
- Throughout the rich world, the young are falling out of love with cars
- Ukraine's top guns need new jets to win the war
- Why These Surfers Want to Restore a Rainforest
- The Glasgow summit left a huge hole in the world's plans to curb climate change
- Upper legislative houses tend to be biased and malapportioned
- 15 Best Messenger Bags (2023): Crossbody, Slings, Shoulder Bags
- A Vast Untapped Green Energy Source Is Hiding Beneath Your Feet
- Ready, player four billion: the rise of video games
- US Supreme Court Hands Cyberstalkers a First Amendment Victory
- Are greedy corporations causing inflation?
- Kim Jong Un has no desire to let his country rejoin the world
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Buyers of Russian crude are exporting refined oil to the West
- Patriotic Ukrainians are rushing to pay their taxes
- Nakamichi's Pricey Dragon Home Theater System Will Be Even Pricier - CNET
- What next for Wagner's African empire?
- Nigeria's new president scraps the fuel subsidy
- Shark robot vacuums are up to 45 percent off on Amazon
- Wines That Entertain as Well as Impress
- China wants to change, or break, a world order set by others
- Are Thailand's gay TV dramas the next K-pop?
- Mexico's president wants to develop the poorer south
- Politics
- The best midrange smartphones for 2023
- Obituary: Clive Sinclair foresaw the future too soon
- Acltoolkit - ACL Abuse Swiss-Knife
- Guatemala's election produces a pleasant surprise
- KAL's cartoon
- Farmers Work to Cool Livestock and Chickens as Heat Gets Extreme
- Dealmaking has slowed—except among dealmakers
- US decision to send cluster munitions 'unanimous', says US national security advisor – video
- Peru has an incompetent president and a discredited Congress
- David Bowie delved into his own past on "Toy"
- Adopt eight lifestyle changes to add 20 years to your life, researchers say
- Voters give Britain's ruling Conservatives a historic mauling
- Britain plays catch-up in a global scramble for critical minerals
- A big advance in mapping the structure of the brain
- AI is making Washington smarter
- SOC-Multitool - A Powerful And User-Friendly Browser Extension That Streamlines Investigations For Security Professionals
- A Retirement Tax Break That Ends the Fear of Outliving Your 401(k)
- Traute Lafrenz showed that resistance to the Nazis was possible
- The Arctic's Permafrost-Obsessed Methane Detectives
- Antony Sher pushed the boundaries of Shakespeare's plays
- The Wagner Group halts its march on Moscow
- Recent left-wing triumphs in Latin America may prove short-lived
- KAL's cartoon
- Tony Bennett's most memorable duets – video obituary
- The "Scream" franchise adds another self-referential sequel
- Drones hit Moscow buildings and weapons store in Crimea
- Two new books shed light on the plight of the Uyghurs
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- It's Taylor Swift's Economy, and We're All Living in It
- A New York jury will be asked if Donald Trump is a rapist
- Americans are moving to places besieged by extreme heat
- Cashless talk
- The Women's World Cup Is About More Than Soccer
- Most children in poor countries are being failed by their schools
- Violent crime in America
- What Elon Musk's AI Startup Means for Tesla's AI Ambitions
- Why Do Cats Land on Their Feet? Physics Explains
- Frank Drake believed that the universe had to contain other intelligent beings
- Who are Russia's supporters?
- Money and moderately good governance make climate-change adaptation easier
- Don't Ask Dumb Robots If AI Will Destroy Humanity
- Donald Triplett was autism's "Case 1"
- Saudi Arabia may accept normal relations with Israel
- COP26 ends with a pact that is neither a triumph nor a trainwreck
- Investors brace for a painful crash into America's debt ceiling
- Sources and acknowledgments
- A flare-up of violence in the Middle East
- After years of talks, indebted Arab states and the IMF are at an impasse
- The Worst Internet Bills of 2023, So Far
- Black skies, scorched earth, extreme weather: Greece wildfires – in pictures
- Sean Baker's films bring sex work into the light
- Somehow, the Superior Spider-Man Has Returned
- This week's covers
- Best Gifts for 2023 - CNET
- This Rare Case of Green Hairy Tongue Is Pure Nightmare Fuel
- Why have Russia's armed forces been so ineffective in Ukraine?
- Ukraine's spymaster has got under the Kremlin's skin
- Western firms are becoming interested in a Soviet medicine
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- An abortion battle causes mayhem in America's military ranks
- Big pharma is warming to the potential of AI
- A war correspondent's intimate portrait of an embattled minority
- The Omicron variant advances at an incredible rate
- First Republic fails, and is snapped up by JPMorgan Chase
- Saotome Katsumoto insisted that Japan should not forget
- European cannabis legalisation moves into the slow-dopey lane
- Downtown San Francisco is at a tipping-point
- How fast can European steelmakers decarbonise?
- Who are the militias raiding Russia's Belgorod region?
- Why the multiverse is eating popular culture
- To ensure vaccines work properly, men should get a good night's sleep
- The making of America's elite
- How Ukrainians modify civilian drones for military use
- Here Come the Family EVs
- $50 or $500? When Do We Tell Our Partner What We've Spent?
- KAL's cartoon
- African countries are fed up with being marginalised in global institutions
- More and more Americans are gaming the deposit-insurance system
- Battlefield lessons
- Britain's emergency text alert is a signal of something bigger
- An all-out strike brings Hollywood to a halt
- From Pet Cemetery Owner to Identity Thief to Best-Selling Ghostwriter
- Elizabeth II never laid down the heavy weight of the crown
- Fentanyl trafficking tests America's foreign policy
- Obituary: Gino Strada believed health care was a human right
- Couple to Plead Guilty in $4.5 Billion Bitcoin-Laundering Case
- Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 516 of the invasion
- A powerful Irish film about the Great Famine reaches British cinemas
- Surging stockmarkets are powered by artificial intelligence
- Should Britain change its abortion laws?
- A Vast Untapped Green Energy Source Is Hiding Beneath Your Feet
- This week's covers
- The aviation industry wants to be net zero—but not yet
- Streaming services are helping Arab producers liven up television
- China is exerting greater power across Asia—and beyond
- An acrimonious debate about covid's origins will rumble on
- The Supreme Court blocks Joe Biden's student-debt-relief plan
- Film-makers are finding horror, not comfort, in the natural world
- This week's cover
- Erdoganomics is spreading across the world
- 7 Best Baby Carriers (2023): Slings, Wraps, and Packs
- Ben Wallace says he is out of the race for NATO's top job
- The rise of the self-pitying MP
- How well does your country provide for its citizens?
- Meta, Microsoft Team Up to Offer New AI Software for Businesses
- These Xbox Controllers Blast Your Face With the Scent of New York 'Za'
- Sudan's spiralling war, in maps
- The West struggles to respond forcefully to Russia's war in Ukraine
- Futurama's Return Is Equal Parts Nostalgic and Very, Very 2023
- Jair Bolsonaro is barred from office for eight years
- El Salvador's authoritarian president is becoming a regional role model
- Russia's missile attacks on Ukraine have been ineffective
- Turkey's bizarre economic experiment enters a new phase
- Germany hit six, Brazil turn on style but France falter – Women's Football Weekly
- Two drones downed over Moscow, says Russian defence ministry
- The world's oil-price benchmark is being radically reformed
- KAL's cartoon
- The Witcher Is Ready to Make Ciri Its Main Character After Season 3
- The coming years will be the hottest ever
- A posthumous novel from John le Carré
- Booming cocaine production suggests the war on drugs has failed
- Could the 14th Amendment fix America's debt-ceiling debacle?
- Are America's regional banks over the worst of it?
- The business trend that unites Walmart and Tiffany & Co
- Sir Tony Blair mesmerises the Labour Party, again
- Russian arms have fewer takers in South-East Asia
- Uganda's harsh anti-gay bill is now law
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Why EY and its rivals may eventually break up, after all
- The challenge of the age
- Italy is trying to deal with its demographic decline
- Why has Vietnam banned the "Barbie" film?
- China's alleged theft of a pineapple cultivar has Taiwan livid
- Dictators and utopians are fond of fiddling with constitutions
- The forgotten importance of the War of Jenkins' Ear
- Should you send your children to private school?
- America's debt-ceiling deal means it should now avoid Armageddon
- Natural Gas Futures Fall As Supply Concerns Beat Hot Weather
- Tony Evers's veto shows the growing power of Midwestern Democrats
- Donald Trump is in his most serious legal trouble yet
- America's state lawmakers are passing ineffective anti-porn laws
- There are risks but also big potential benefits from digital payments
- Sierra Leone's president is re-elected in the first round
- Western armies are learning a lot from the war in Ukraine
- The world's most liveable cities in 2023
- Against expectations, oil and gas remain cheap
- Automakers Say They Resolved the Right-to-Repair Fight. Critics Aren't Ready to Make Peace
- Pelé went from poverty to football superstardom
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Is doing business in China becoming impossible for foreigners?
- As payments systems go digital, they are changing global finance
- Bayer Group Lowers 2023 Outlook on Declining Sales of Herbicides
- Flood of Workers Has Made the Fed's Job Less Painful. Can It Persist?
- A generation after Germany reunited, deep divisions remain
- The world's religions face a post-pandemic reckoning
- Sudan's war is home-grown, but risks drawing in outsiders
- Is China's recovery about to stall?
- Japan is making asylum even harder for refugees
- In North Carolina a jilted husband can sue his wife's lover
- ABBA return—and pretend no time has passed—with "Voyage"
- Spain's prime minister gambles on a snap general election
- English schoolchildren are still missing months of classes
- NATO defence spending is rising, but not fast enough
- All the Hasbro Marvel and Star Wars Toys Revealed at San Diego Comic-Con
- How covid-19 spurred governments to snoop on sewage
- Big Regional Banks Reported Stable Deposits---Great News for Investors
- Political turmoil is tearing Peru apart
- The Baltic states fear that NATO is being complacent
- Brazil's new president is visiting Joe Biden to boost relations
- China may face more embarrassment over its human-rights record
- Doug Rushkoff Is Ready to Renounce the Digital Revolution
- Keeping up with the Tokugawas
- The 41 Best Shows on Netflix Right Now
- Sunday brunch is the new Friday night
- Business, Labor Square Off Over AI's Future in American Workplace
- Volodymyr Zelensky's European trip secures a lot more military backing
- The world's most, and least, democratic countries in 2022
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Business
- Why you have an accent in a foreign language
- Suicide rates for girls are rising. Are smartphones to blame?
- Tension in Senegal is set to persist
- A new study of studies reignites controversy over mask mandates
- AI Giants Pledge to Allow External Probes of Their Algorithms, Under a New White House Pact
- It is getting even harder for Western scholars to do research in China
- Politics
- Copper is unexpectedly getting cheaper
- The fun and the fury of a rattlesnake derby
- Brazil's foreign policy is hyperactive, ambitious and naive
- The bigger-is-better approach to AI is running out of road
- Business
- The pet I'll never forget: Julius the tortoise won our hearts – then died of a broken penis
- For Hannah Pick-Goslar, paths crossed in an extraordinary way
- Joe Biden fires the starting gun on the presidential race
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- A cartography of human histology is in the making
- TSMC Delays Start of First Arizona Chip Factory
- Israel's constitutional chaos is far from over
- What TIM's mega-spin-off reveals about Europe's telecoms industry
- India is getting an eye-wateringly big transport upgrade
- Sculptor/Rithm: pay was only facet of fund that age left undiminished
- SoftBank and Symbotic team to offer automated warehouses as a service
- Northwestern athlete says she faced hazing 'punishment' after catching Covid
- Uniqlo's success mirrors the growth of Japan's industrial giants
- Is America's inflationary fever breaking?
- US junk loan market hit with flurry of credit rating downgrades
- British Vogue editor-in-chief Edward Enninful says March issue will be his last
- Kate Winslet, Emily Blunt and Olivia Colman movies headed to Toronto film festival
- Why China wants to be a risk
- Singapore is the world leader in selling cultivated meat
- JWST Might Have Spotted the First Dark Matter Stars
- ZeusCloud - Open Source Cloud Security
- Politics
- "Making Nice" is a gratifying satire of the internet age
- How the Rosetta Stone was deciphered
- The battle for Khartoum is just the beginning of Sudan's nightmare
- Europe will need to fundamentally reset its fiscal policies
- Microsoft and Activision Blizzard Still Committed to $75 Billion Merger
- Fires Strike Corfu and Evia in Greece as Rhodes Continues to Burn
- Old tyres can become a climate-friendly fuel
- Why Apple is betting big on India
- This week's covers
- Is China's attitude to genetically modified crops changing?
- America's Only Cobalt Mine Can't Get Off the Ground
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Who Will Control Wagner's Empire of War and Gold?
- Big pharma's patent cliff is fast approaching
- Why vaccine passports are causing chaos
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- When will China's GDP overtake America's?
- Humans shed genetic information everywhere they go
- China is losing Taiwanese hearts and minds
- Business
- Workplace advice from our agony uncle
- Voice Actors Are Fighting Back Against Generative AI
- Lazarus and Uzumaki Look Like Adult Swim's Next Anime Hits
- The end of Western naivety about China
- KAL's cartoon
- Macron says France needs return to authority 'at every level' after unrest
- Aaron Beck turned the world of psychiatry upside down
- The Philippines's once-proud Maoist insurgents are out of ammo
- China is trying to win over Westerners and private firms
- Why does London have so much sexually transmitted disease?
- A new study finds that 47,000 Russian combatants have died in Ukraine
- Parisian panache: six of the most spectacular Paris MĂ©tro stations
- The mystery of gold prices
- Israel's angsty 75th anniversary
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Roman civil engineering has lessons for the modern world
- yaraQA - YARA Rule Analyzer To Improve Rule Quality And Performance
- 'No poor person decides how they get photographed'
- Never Overpay for Plane Tickets Again With a $100 Dollar Flight Club Membership - CNET
- France's foreign-policy revolution
- How digital gaming spreads far and wide
- Argentina clinch the World Cup after beating France on penalties
- Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder—but Memorability May Be Universal
- Apple's Next Killer App Is…Voicemail?
- How Ukrainians affect Poland
- New Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filings -- Week Ending July 23, 2023
- How Donald Trump's trials and the Republican primary will intersect
- This week's cover
- A better way of keeping mosquitoes at bay is under development
- China's new head of government, Li Qiang, has Xi Jinping's ear
- Congress should fund the BLM (no, not that one)
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The RSF are out to finish the genocide in Darfur they began as the Janjaweed. We cannot stand by | Kate Ferguson
- KAL's cartoon
- Business
- Quantifying the rise of America's far right
- Spain's election ends in deadlock
- Chinese arms could revive Russia's failing war
- Israeli democracy is fighting for its life
- Shin Kamen Rider Is the Best Superspeed Has Ever Looked in a Superhero Movie
- In the West, assisted dying is rapidly becoming legal and accepted
- Sir Keir Starmer's magic lamp
- Gradually, the besieged city of Bakhmut is being abandoned by everyone
- A new gravitational-wave detection has excited astronomers
- $7,200 Per Student: Arizona's School Voucher Experiment
- What America does after a debt-ceiling disaster
- The Surprising Key to Understanding the Barbie Film
- At Startup That Says Its AI Writes Medical Records, Humans Do a Lot of the Work
- Sabre-tooth tigers and dire wolves were in trouble before they vanished
- Divorce in the rich world is getting less nasty
- Ukraine needs the West's help. But our polling shows a worrying trend
- The Economist's science and technology internship
- Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers to try to stop the Vietnam war
- After debt-ceiling negotiations, America faces a debt deluge
- Jean-Jacques Savin wanted to defy old age
- The Tories v the institutions
- The Psychedelic Scientist Who Sends Brains Back to Childhood
- Is the worst now over for America's banks?
- A copycat insurrection in Brazil, and its troubling aftermath
- How to invest in artificial intelligence
- Russia-Ukraine war live: UN chief calls on Russia to return to Black Sea grain deal; US journalist wounded in drone attack
- Time for tech's report card
- Extreme flooding seen across the world so far this summer – video report
- Hong Kong puts a price on the heads of democracy activists
- Victoria Amelina explored a land of atrocities and secrets
- A tiny, ancient hominin may have been surprisingly clever
- Wildfires in Greece prompt massive evacuations, leaving tourists in limbo
- The race to be Latin America's next top development banker
- Autherine Lucy was an unlikely pioneer
- Paula Rego was a painter of rage, longing and loneliness
- Robert Lucas was a giant of macroeconomics
- Why Asia's super-app companies are stuck in a rut
- A new archive preserves the creative legacy of the East Village
- Much of the Earth remains unexplored
- It's the Age of Ozempic. Do We Need WeightWatchers Anymore?
- Britain's tough asylum plans are held up in court and by the Lords
- Elon Musk is rebranding Twitter to 'X' and killing the bird logo
- Investors have reason to fear a strong economy
- How Mexico has become the "enemy" of America's Republicans
- North Carolina may be the hottest political battleground of 2024
- The scandal at the Confederation of British Industry may be terminal
- ChatGPT could replace telemarketers, teachers and traders
- The FDA approves the first-ever non-prescription birth-control pill
- Politics
- The working-from-home illusion fades
- Only 26 Black Women Have Ever Become Astrophysicists in the U.S. Here's One's Story
- Netflix rolls out 'My Netflix,' a new tab for trailers, reminders and more
- How, if at all, might Russia be punished for its war crimes in Ukraine?
- Ranajit Guha revolutionised the study of India's past
- Evidence is growing that playing contact sports can lead to long-term brain injuries
- Fox News shows that not even Tucker Carlson is bigger than the network
- The big idea: Why the laws of physics will never explain the universe
- Big tech's dominance is straining the logic of passive investing
- How to make money on the Super Bowl
- Can Jordan fall in love with Saudi Arabia?
- The Turkish economy is in pressing need of reform and repair
- 'Here for the heat': Death Valley sizzles, but the tourism doesn't stop
- 'Oppenheimer' Review: The Dharma of Death
- The old bank/card model is still entrenched in the rich world
- The new king of beers is a Mexican-American success story
- Weak commitments from the G20 cast a shadow over COP26's opening
- How Evangelical Christians Went From Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump
- What China's graduates really think about their job prospects
- Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act Goes Back to Congress
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Costly food and energy are fostering global unrest
- In its tech war with America, China brings out the big guns
- Britain hands Microsoft's Activision deal an extra life
- Alexander Lukashenko is the clearest beneficiary of Wagner's mutiny
- China's state capitalists celebrate their soaring shares
- Senators Kelly and Duckworth: Why Ukraine Needs U.S. Military Aid
- China hopes Mazu, a sea goddess, can help it win over Taiwan
- Small climate projects cannot take the place of all large ones
- 'Man in the Moon' Older Than Scientists Thought
- The cost of the global arms race
- The Philippines' proximity to Taiwan makes it central to Western strategy
- Wage growth, inflation and more place Britain's central bank in a spot
- Joe Biden needs Mexico's co-operation on migration
- How one of Britain's oldest youth clubs is trying to stay relevant
- Britain's inflation rate is not falling fast enough
- Smoke blackens the air in America's north-east
- The NHS in England gets a plan for fixing its broken workforce
- What if China and India became friends?
- Business
- Large language models' ability to generate text also lets them plan and reason
- The global rice crisis
- Sources and acknowledgments
- How to make it big in Xi Jinping's China
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- From Twitter to X: Elon Musk Begins Erasing an Iconic Internet Brand
- Business
- For Western democracies, the price of avoiding a clash with China is rising
- How the war split the mafia
- Abir Mukherjee adds a twist to his winning crime formula
- X Isn't a Super App. It's Just Twitter
- KAL's cartoon
- Hollywood's blockbuster strike may become a flop
- HardHatC2 - A C# Command And Control Framework
- Shia Muslims are no longer in the ascendant
- A Kerr-veball for Australia as co-hosts win – Women's Football Weekly
- How much of a concern are China's overseas police stations?
- A Battlefield AI Company Says It's One of the Good Guys
- The fight over working from home goes global
- West African stew and peanut butter cups: Shivi Ramoutar's budget peanut butter recipes
- Ary Borges hat-trick against Panama gives Brazil perfect start in World Cup
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- South-East Asia is in the grip of a record-breaking heatwave
- DARPA, lasers and an internet in orbit
- Liberal Suburbs Have Their Own Border Wall
- Vivienne Westwood sowed never-ending revolution all through the fashion world
- China's young want to work. For the government
- Italy needs to learn from other countries on structural changes
- A farewell to small cars, the industrial icons that put Europe on wheels
- How Older People Get Scammed
- Sydney almost eliminates HIV transmission in global first
- Politics
- Up First briefing: State of the economy; a possible Trump indictment; difficult bosses
- Britons love country fairs. Why?
- Tell us: have you kept a pop music scrapbook?
- US regulator accuses banks of misreporting deposit data
- Ronald Blythe recorded the passing, and continuance, of rural life
- Study drugs make healthy people worse at problem-solving, not better
- Generative artificial intelligence on our "Babbage" podcast
- External shocks have hit the Italian economy hard
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Hackers exploit Citrix zero-day to target US critical infrastructure
- America returns to containment to deal with Russia and China
- Kylian Mbappé Is Target of Record Offer From Saudi Arabia's Al Hilal
- BBC newsreader George Alagiah dies aged 67
- Wagner rebels turn against Putin's army
- 'Barbie' and 'Oppenheimer' Weekend Was a Real Team Effort
- How Russia has revived NATO
- Can academic joint ventures between China and the West survive?
- Japan is nostalgic for a past that was in part worse than its present
- Vast satellite constellations are alarming astronomers
- Prigozhin's strange aborted coup is a sign of Russia's malaise
- Taiwan's dominance of the chip industry makes it more important
- A Nigerian trade in insects that bite
- Leaders of Islamic State have a short life-expectancy
- Horse-racing in America needs to improve its odds
- Spain goes into political limbo
- Regime change
- North Korea fires missiles into sea hours after US submarine arrives in the South
- Instant payments finally reach America with FedNow
- Neal Lawson on the threat of expulsion by Labour: 'They are making sure no one on the left has a platform'
- Satellite's Solar Panel Glitch Disrupts Alaskan Broadband Plans
- China Dominates Solar. Does the U.S. Stand a Chance?
- Why Hot Overnight Temperatures Are So Dangerous
- 5 Ways ChatGPT Can Improve, Not Replace, Your Writing
- War-crimes prosecutions in Ukraine are a long game
- A risky cancer treatment can be modified to treat immune diseases
- The Unequal Burdens of Travel by Air
- Two new books assess the geopolitical lessons of covid-19
- A new exhibition shows the visual debt Disney owes to European art
- The Most Awesome Cosplay of San Diego Comic-Con 2023, Day 2
- Can rich countries care for the old without going bust?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Conservatives dominate Chile's constitutional assembly this time around
- Does America need more unemployment?
- Tracking the Ukraine war: where is the latest fighting?
- American policing has changed since George Floyd's murder
- Why legal writing is so awful
- How LA's drag nuns took centre stage in the culture wars
- A new challenge to relations between America and China
- Jair Bolsonaro's challenge to Brazil's election was rejected
- 'My Netflix' puts your downloads and in-progress shows first
- China goes from zero-covid to zero restrictions
- Quebec elects François Legault's fiercely nationalist party
- The touchy-feely world of the metaverse and future gadgets
- Array Collective, a group from Belfast, wins the Turner prize
- Mukesh Ambani returns to the spotlight
- How much is a human head?
- The financial system is slipping into state control
- "The Harder They Fall" offers a new take on the Old West
- Massachusetts is not the gun-control beacon it once was
- KAL's cartoon
- Prince Harry complains again, this time in court
- X Isn't a Super App. It's Just Twitter
- Our early-adopters index examines how corporate America is deploying AI
- KAL's cartoon
- If Venezuela's elections were fair, this would be the front-runner
- How a tide of tech money is transforming charity
- The idea of "holobionts" represents a paradigm shift in biology
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- China seeks a world order that defers to states and their rulers
- How much is Russia spending on its invasion of Ukraine?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- A battery supply chain that excludes China looks impossible
- A new type of Palestinian militia is emerging
- Ecuador's president dissolves Congress to avoid impeachment
- Demand for chocolate causes more illegal deforestation than people realise
- Pedro SĂ¡nchez rules out return to polls after Spanish vote delivers hung parliament
- How to recruit with softer skills in mind
- Fear of China is pushing India and Japan into each other's arms
- A battle of rickshaw apps shows the promise of India's digital stack
- A museum in Rotterdam opens up its collection
- Global temperatures have broken records three times in a week
- Rule by law, with Chinese characteristics
- Denmark's latest Quran burning sparks more outrage in Iraq and other Muslim nations
- Russia's army is learning on the battlefield
- Mary Quant launched the clothes that made the Sixties swing
- Mario TerĂ¡n was the man sent to kill Che Guevara
- The travails and bold aims of the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi
- The first week of COP26 was less substantive than it seemed
- Why short prison sentences in England and Wales are a disaster
- Why right-wing Europeans are flocking to an English thinker
- Britain crowns Charles III its new king
- What Defines Artificial Intelligence? The Complete WIRED Guide
- The trouble with reality in fiction
- Rioting in France presents a fresh political test for Emmanuel Macron
- UBS to Pay Nearly $400 Million in Fines to Settle Credit Suisse's Archegos Failures
- Barbie and Oppenheimer's Box Office Is Proof Studios Need to Make a Fair Deal
- China's data-security laws rattle Western business executives
- Issey Miyake saw clothes in a completely new way
- Xi Jinping reaches into China's ancient history for a new claim to rule
- Life is getting tough for borrowers. Where will the pain be felt?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Star Trek: Lower Decks' Season 4 Trailer Teases New Friends and New Adventures
- NATO is drafting new plans to defend Europe
- How to two-time your employer: a tech worker's guide
- Twitter CEO teases banking and payment plans in memo about X rebrand
- How would a possible third indictment affect Trump's 2024 run? – podcast
- Arab tourism to Israel is still thwarted by politics and Palestine
- Huge explosions breach the Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine
- Obituary: Bernard Tapie, a colourful and controversial French businessman
- Ukrainian refugees remain in limbo
- Anoint my caverns with oil
- Leading Israeli businesses to strike in protest at judicial reforms
- Why are more British adults still living with their parents?
- How Amos Vogel changed American film culture
- Wanted: a Britain economics writer
- North Korean hackers stole a record $1.7bn of crypto last year
- Japan's prime minister has recovered from a rough patch
- Sergio Massa is the only thing standing between Argentina and chaos
- Politics
- The death of Pope Benedict removes a problem for liberal Catholics
- The 16 Best Shows on Apple TV+ Right Now
- Claude Glass as Night Song
- Europe drastically cut its energy consumption this winter
- Loretta Lynn gave all struggling women a voice
- China hits back against Western sanctions
- What the First Republic deal means for America's banks
- What is Israel's judicial overhaul vote about, and what happens next?
- Buy Now or Wait? How to Avoid Tech Buyer's Remorse
- Business
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Imran Khan loses his battle with Pakistan's army
- Squadron Leader Johnny Johnson longed to give Hitler a bloody nose
- Data from satellites suggest violence has surged in much of Sudan
- The Ukraine War Shows the US Military-Industrial Complex Isn't Battle Ready
- This Tech Will Help Find Your Next Hike---and Can Save Your Life
- Sony WF-1000XM5 Review: Once Again, the Best Wireless Earbuds You Can Buy
- What would humans do in a world of super-AI?
- The Taliban go big on animal welfare
- Go First's insolvency tests India's bankruptcy regime
- Two new books explore the impact of accelerating technology
- Iran puts its nuclear programme beyond the reach of American bombs
- New forms of debt restructuring reward bad behaviour
- Sir Keir Starmer on "Starmerism"
- Ethnic conflict drags on in Manipur in India's north-east
- The American left and right loathe each other and agree on a lot
- Truss Tour: 2023
- Russia's brutal mercenaries probably won't matter much in Ukraine
- Why Republicans are giving huge pay rises to teachers
- The success of "Succession" proves the virtue of hateful characters
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Images in the Mind's Eye Are Quick Sketches That Lack Simple, Real-World Details
- How to explain the puzzle of the world economy
- Inside the shared studio of Thom Yorke and Stanley Donwood
- Brazil's new president wants to reduce the number of hungry people
- The world's most, and least, affordable cities are in Asia
- Accounting for flood risk would lower American house prices by $187bn
- Anne Saxelby was a champion of artisan farmers and their wares
- What Was the Manhattan Project?
- China has not done enough to halt the wildlife trade
- Chicago's new mayor has one of the trickiest jobs in politics
- Why chaos looms at the US-Mexico border
- Latest on Ukraine: As Russia pounds Odesa, Moscow and Crimea become targets
- The PGA agrees to team up with its golfing arch-enemy
- Bunq, the Dutch neobank, has raised $111M at a flat $1.8B valuation to break into the US
- How the war in Ukraine is changing Europe's demography
- We're hiring a new Washington correspondent
- More evidence that animals reduce childhood allergies
- Why China Isn't Feeling the 'Barbenheimer' Vibe
- Hollywood's Future Belongs to People—Not Machines
- 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' drops its 'Lower Decks' crossover early
- America has a shortage of lab monkeys
- Ron DeSantis's lurch in Florida hurts his presidential chances
- Botswana, an African success story, looks ever less exceptional
- Want to Win a Chip War? You're Gonna Need a Lot of Water
- Cuba's Communist government taps the diaspora for cash
- Business
- The WIRED Guide to Aliens
- British politics is littered with fake taboos
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Britons turn into Borat when it comes to health, housing and avocados
- How the New Zealand shooting unfolded – video report
- KAL's cartoon
- Your job is (probably) safe from artificial intelligence
- In conversation with Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
- This week's covers
- Taipei Responds to Beijing on Peace and Democracy
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Can a viable industry emerge from the hydrogen shakeout?
- Amritpal Singh, self-declared leader of Sikh separatism, is arrested in India
- England may soon become the world's best cricket team
- The Putin Show
- President Joe Biden starts to lift sanctions on Venezuela
- The Trillion-Dollar Auction to Save the World
- Photos: Remembering Tony Bennett
- A Chinese reality-TV show about farming doubles as propaganda
- Lawsuits aimed at greenhouse-gas emissions are a growing trend
- Why foreign dignitaries wear red when meeting Xi Jinping
- Mantra - A Tool Used To Hunt Down API Key Leaks In JS Files And Pages
- The pandemic's indirect effects on small children could last a lifetime
- KAL's cartoon
- A new study asks whether racehorses have hit their genetic peak
- This year's El Niño will hit Peru especially hard
- How to make Britain's AI dreams reality
- The US Finally Approved an Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill. Here's What to Know
- A climber's story evokes classic mountaineering literature
- In America, school test results are still lagging behind pre-covid levels
- Adidas upgrades outlook on 'positive impact' from Yeezy inventory sale
- Poland's government may seek to bar opponents from politics
- 5 Best VR Headsets (2022): Virtual Reality Accessories, Apps, and Games
- Far-right ideas are gaining a renewed respectability in France
- Argentina could help the world by becoming a big lithium exporter
- The best air fryers for 2023
- The 14 Best Movies on Apple TV+ Right Now
- Vaccines based on mRNA need to get out of the freezer
- What is The Economist's word of the year for 2021?
- Bernard Haitink believed that genius should speak for itself
- Sri Lanka is uncovering mass graves but not the grisly truth of its civil war
- How India's states compete for investment
- Deep-sea mining may soon ease the world's battery-metal shortage
- Obituary: Mikis Theodorakis wrote the theme tune of "Zorba the Greek"
- Highlights of a year when art mattered as much as ever
- Star Trek: Discovery Prepares For One Last Ride In a New SDCC Clip
- A biographer explores Greta Garbo's glamour and vacuity
- Cannabis: The Complete WIRED Guide
- 4 Best VPN Services (2023): For Routers, PC, iPhone, Android, and More
- India's G20 presidency will be a win for Narendra Modi
- Despite a crash, Indian railways have an impressive safety record
- South-East Asia is crying out for regional leadership
- China is obsessed with food security. Climate change will challenge it
- Ukraine is counter-attacking in multiple directions, with mixed results
- Exotic New Silicon-Based Speakers Are Coming to Next-Generation Earbuds
- Can the West build up its armed forces on the cheap?
- The market for dinosaur fossils is booming
- Does it pay to be a communist in China?
- Disney will cut 7,000 jobs as it restructures its business
- Gustavo Petro, Colombia's president, wants to smother the gig economy
- The Great British motorcycle scam – part one
- Boris Johnson strikes again
- Young men making quartz countertops are facing lung damage. One state is taking action
- Why Chinese carmakers are eyeing Thailand
- What walking from Washington to New York reveals about America
- Siemens's wind-turbine business is blown off course
- Welcome to a new, humbler private-equity industry
- An American soldier has deserted to North Korea
- Germany's new national security strategy is strong on goals, less so on means
- The Indie Title That Could Make or Break Netflix Games
- Colm Toibin's new novel brings Thomas Mann to life
- Rampant jihadists are spreading chaos and misery in the Sahel
- Chinese bubble tea chains go viral in South-East Asia
- MPs urge Sunak to attend Cop28 and stay true to net zero
- Everyone Wants Ukraine's Battlefield Data
- Conservative Americans are building a parallel economy
- Many Britons have changed their minds on gay marriage
- He Went to Prison for Crypto Crime. Now He's an Advocate for Compliance.
- Australia and Canada are one economy—with one set of flaws
- The GOP's Lurch Toward Extremism Comes for the Border
- It's Getting Harder for the Government to Secretly Flag Your Social Posts
- A spectacular new fossil shows a mammal making a meal of a dinosaur
- As China fixes its property mess, can foreign capitalists benefit?
- Gina Lollobrigida's ambition was her strength and her weakness
- The opposition looks set to win Thailand's election
- Zimbabwe wants to come in from the cold
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Glenda Jackson left acting for politics—and then returned
- Covid-19 has pushed governments to find new ways to help the poor
- How much trouble is China's economy in?
- Mexico's government has attacked the country's electoral watchdog
- Many of China's top politicians were educated in the West
- A short guide to corporate rituals
- Chief executives cannot shut up about AI
- China's guarding of genetic data is a drag on scientific research
- Catholic reformers want big changes to a church marred by sex abuse
- Russia's Notorious Troll Farm Disbands
- KAL's cartoon
- Birds are just as fashion-conscious as people
- Why are corporate retreats so extravagant?
- The Van Gogh Museum showcases a rejected early masterpiece
- Mexico could elect its first female president next year
- Why Spain's successful prime minister might lose his job
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Anonymous tipsters, angry at Russia, help detect sanctions-busters
- How Donald Trump damaged America's interests in Asia
- This week's cover
- America faces a debt nightmare
- Barry Humphries, creator and manager of Dame Edna Everage, died on April 22nd, aged 89
- Please Stop Asking Chatbots for Love Advice
- Jacqueline Gold freed women to shamelessly enjoy themselves
- Britain is falling behind in clinical trials of medicines
- Antarctic sea ice has shrunk by an area nine times the size of Britain
- Politics
- What shipwrecked insects reveal about life at sea in the 17th century
- Countries need to pull more carbon dioxide out of the air
- "Spencer", Pablo LarraĂn's Princess Diana fable, is less than the sum of its parts
- Antony Blinken & Gina Raimondo: To shape the future of AI, we must act quickly
- Threads Is the New Cool Hangout—for Brands
- What party control means in China
- Business
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Politics
- Ethnic terminology bedevils Taiwan-China relations
- Macron in New Caledonia: why is the territory divided and will it break away from France?
- If China's growth is so strong, why is inflation so weak?
- Covid learning loss has been a global disaster
- Americans love American stocks. They should look overseas
- Why many American states and cities are changing their flags
- Thailand's pro-democracy parties trounce the military establishment
- Prescription rules for obesity drugs may unfairly exclude non-whites
- Investors go back into battle with rising interest rates
- The American credit cycle is at a dangerous point
- Almost 50 Years Into the Crypto Wars, Encryption's Opponents Are Still Wrong
- Americans in Their Prime Flood Into the Job Market
- Brazil's election is tight ahead of a run-off on October 30th
- Why Songs Get Stuck in Your Head—and How to Stop Them
- America's jobs report is not as strong as it seems
- Amoral cities are flourishing in a turbulent geopolitical era
- Greece is a European success story
- The Explosive Legacy of the Pandemic Hand Sanitizer Boom
- The future lies with electric vehicles
- Pinball is booming in America, thanks to nostalgia and canny marketing
- The difficulties facing Britain's covid-19 inquiry
- Challenging the stigma associated with single mothers in China
- Britain takes a more sensible approach to post-Brexit regulation
- Turkey is still just a democracy, but it is not certain to remain that way
- Why Baghdad may have the worst traffic in the Middle East
- How the sky became the limit for France's Rafale jet
- India's diaspora is bigger and more influential than any in history
- Upgrade to Windows 11 Pro and Grab a Lifetime Office 2021 Pro License for Just $50 - CNET
- Which sport is the best business?
- 5 Ways ChatGPT Can Improve, Not Replace, Your Writing
- Does the tank have a future?
- China's Breach of Microsoft Cloud Email May Expose Deeper Problems
- Bain Capital buys Adani's stake in shadow bank
- South Korea has had enough of being called an emerging market
- Proposed legal reforms could be dire for Israel
- Australia re-bans alcohol in some Aboriginal communities
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Britain shoots down Microsoft's $69bn Activision deal
- Chinese nationalists are up in arms over the treatment of pandas
- The Best Fanny Packs: Recycled, Waterproof, and More
- How Japan is losing the global electric-vehicle race
- Young Africans are logging in and clocking on
- What the Collapse of Spain's Far Right Means Going Forward
- Japan's stockmarket rally may disappoint investors
- How the Four-Color Map Problem Was Finally Solved
- It is time to divert Taiwan's trade and investment from China
- Popp's double helps Germany ruin Morocco's Women's World Cup debut
- Autonomous vehicles are coming, but slowly
- Why is China blocking graphite exports to Sweden?
- Moth on brink of extinction found flying at secret Scottish site
- Almost All Research on the Mind Is in English. That's a Problem
- The battle with China is psychological as much as physical
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- TETRA Radio Code Encryption Has a Flaw: A Backdoor
- Icy moons with vast oceans are the latest candidates for alien life
- Is Narendra Modi turning Bollywood against Muslims?
- Yurii Kerpatenko refused to bow to Russian orders
- Wrightbus bets on hydrogen buses
- Some Binance.US Crypto Trading Was a Mirage, the SEC Alleges
- The Walking Dead Finally Reveals Rick & Michonne's Spinoff
- The Taliban are digging an enormous canal
- Apollo Phantom V3 Review: A Great Commuter Scooter
- What Is Cyberwar? The Complete WIRED Guide
- PwC has disgraced itself down under
- Will we ever know how many people died of covid-19 in China?
- Barbie: the patriarchy, the existentialism, the capitalism – discuss with spoilers
- Global Hunt for Crude Sends Offshore Oil Stocks Soaring
- Politics
- Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva will be Brazil's next president
- Why tech giants want to strangle AI with red tape
- Tunisia's autocratic ruler adopts the "Great Replacement" theory
- Whoever runs Britain will struggle to get tough on China
- The best E Ink tablets for 2023
- Donors are already mulling a Marshall Plan for Ukraine
- Latin America's prisons are overcrowded and violent
- What makes a good office perk?
- On screen, Father Christmas cuts a mercurial figure
- IRS to Stop Surprise Visits to Homes and Businesses
- Fears about the reactors at Zaporizhia continue to mount
- Emmanuel Macron hopes to reinvent himself in 100 days
- Follow the Heard on the Street Picks
- Would Labour turn to the left in office?
- Elderly populations mean more government spending
- The World Isn't Sold on Folding Phones Just Yet. But They'll Keep Coming
- Too many people take too many pills
- Are Canadian cities better than America's?
- Please Stop Asking Chatbots for Love Advice
- How the seven-day week came to rule the world
- AI is not yet killing jobs
- First Republic Bank is on the edge of a precipice
- Please re-xeet this podcast episode
- What is 5G? The Complete Guide to When, Why, and How
- After 20 years of trauma, Iraq is struggling to recover
- 1,800-Year-Old Spices Are Earliest Evidence of Curry Making in Southeast Asia
- Peter Brook saw acting as an uncompromising search for truth
- A Battlefield AI Company Says It's One of the Good Guys
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Who will succeed Shia Islam's top man?
- What does the perfect carbon price look like?
- War crimes in Tigray may be covered up or forgotten
- 'Barbenheimer' Signals the Start of Hollywood's Apocalypse
- Don't Ask Dumb Robots If AI Will Destroy Humanity
- Hailstorms pummel northern Italy after days of extreme heat – video report
- The world has to adapt to the climate change it will not avoid
- Can Xi Jinping control AI without crushing it?
- This week's covers
- Lula's foreign-policy ambitions will be tempered by circumstances
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Politics
- Narendra Modi's ultimate test—educating 265m pupils
- Writers on strike beware: Hollywood has changed for ever
- The world divided
- IPO Market Awakens From Long Slumber
- Vladimir Putin wants to militarise Russian schools
- Poor areas suffered 3.5 times more damage in Turkey's earthquake
- OneTrust hauls in another $150M on a $4.5B down round valuation
- Was the Rolled-Up Painting in the Dog Walker's Closet Worth Millions?
- Zaporizhia braces itself for Russian nuclear tricks
- On China, Japan's PM wants diplomacy, not war
- Mortgage Interest Rates for July 24, 2023: Rates Tick Up - CNET
- Brexit was wrong, say 57% of British voters
- Travel Behind the Scenes of Star Wars Outlaws
- Our model suggests that global deaths remain 5% above pre-covid forecasts
- This Week's Toy News Is Everything, and He's Just Anaken
- Artificial intelligence is remixing journalism into a "soup" of language
- F.W. de Klerk had to abandon what his ancestors had believed in
- Dervla Murphy let nothing stand in the way of adventure
- Taiwan desperately needs support from the world
- Latin America is under authoritarian threat
- Meta's Threads Could Make—or Break—the Fediverse
- The first big test of Britain's voter-ID requirements is imminent
- America needs a jab in its corporate backside
- KAL's cartoon
- Uzbekistan's president clings to power while passing liberal reforms
- How American universities will react as race-based admissions end
- Cristina FernĂ¡ndez de Kirchner is found guilty of corruption
- Pema Tseden was the founder and builder of Tibetan cinema
- China has chilling plans for governing Taiwan
- Psychopathic Tendencies Help Some People Succeed in Business
- Rebuilding Ukraine will require money, but also tough reforms
- The best podcasts of 2021
- The United States says corruption in Paraguay starts at the top
- House Republicans are no closer to tying Hunter Biden's activities to Joe
- Business
- Can a Czech billionaire rescue Casino?
- Best Android VPN 2023 - CNET
- Vera Putina claimed to be Vladimir Putin's real mother
- Wild Donkeys Are on the Vanguard of Ukraine's Ecological Recovery
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Interpreting China's unambitious growth target
- China and Russia compete for Central Asia's favour
- After 50 years, Wole Soyinka has returned to fiction
- It turns out that Democrats bus migrants, too
- Latin America's left-wing presidents risk stoking inflation
- Lighthouse lights are losing their sweep
- 'I have fought every day since': Assa Traoré's campaign for justice after brother died in police custody
- Communist Party members must study Xi Jinping's thinking
- Why Elon Musk Rebranded Twitter as X
- China is leading the challenge to incumbent carmakers
- Africa faces a mounting debt crisis
- Twitter begins its transition to 'X' after changing its iconic bird logo
- Vladimir Putin signs law banning gender changes in Russia
- A Finnish firm thinks it can cut industrial carbon emissions by a third
- How China's police are ensnaring thousands of suspects abroad
- Why self-storage is turning into hot property
- KAL's cartoon
- 'Barbie' Movie Gives Left and Right Another Battlefront
- Is mining set for a new wave of mega-mergers?
- My Balls-Out Quest to Achieve the Perfect Scrotum
- Can Colombia's mercurial president bring "total peace"?
- Imran Khan's arrest brings Pakistan closer to the edge
- America is unusually bad at clearing up homicides
- Military and financial support to Ukraine hits a record high
- What the Film Oppenheimer Probably Will Not Talk About: The Lost Women of the Manhattan Project
- Wanderer - An Open-Source Process Injection Enumeration Tool Written In C#
- A new book shows how the Greek revolution shaped Europe
- Can Inflatable Outdoor Furniture Ever Be Chic?
- BookTok has passion—and enormous marketing power
- Personal Data Collection: The Complete WIRED Guide
- Mortgage Refinance Rates on July 24, 2023: Rates Increase - CNET
- Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are missing in action
- Should every schoolchild eat free?
- Comb-Over No More: Why Men's Hair Transplants Are Flourishing
- What Is Net Neutrality? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Germany's new strategy for dealings with China
- Britons still do like to be beside the seaside
- Climate change is harder on less educated people
- American universities have an incentive to seem extortionate
- South Korea's government and business are over-close
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Oe Kenzaburo was made a writer by a family crisis
- China's new GDP figures may restore faith in its economy
- The boss of Britain's spies speaks
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- People of different opinions process political data differently
- Best 4K TV Deals: Up to $1,000 Off Samsung, LG, TCL and More - CNET
- Britain needs to embrace road pricing
- Wage-price spirals are far scarier in theory than in practice
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How to make low-carbon concrete from old cement
- As Lula takes over, Brazil's economic prospects are looking up
- Sooner or later, America's financial system could seize up
- Columbia University ditches the college-ranking system
- Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder—but Memorability May Be Universal
- Why China fears Starlink
- Meet the Psychedelic Boom's First Responders
- Can America and China avoid another diplomatic crisis?
- Remember Trevor Francis for what he achieved, not what might have been | Jonathan Wilson
- What Really Changes in Older Age
- 'You need the glamour of a big opening': US actors' strike starts to bite on red carpet
- Best Wireless Bluetooth Boom Boxes for 2023 - CNET
- What would Europe do if Trump won?
- The ticking bomb under Canada's constitution
- Despite an explosion, Elon Musk is closer to his new space age
- Georgia, the Peach State, has no peach crop this year
- Thailand was EIU's most improved democracy of 2022
- Italy's protected sectors need exposure to more competition
- What does China's reopening mean for Latin America?
- San Francisco's "woke maths" experiment
- HydroJug Pro Review: Bigger Is Better
- China's deep-water fishing fleet is the world's most rapacious
- After half a century, there is a commercial market for Moon missions
- Reservoir supplying drinking water to Uruguay almost depleted – video
- Binyamin Netanyahu has lost his aura of invincibility
- Best Games on PS Plus: Twisted Metal, Undertale, It Takes Two and Many More for July - CNET
- VX-API - Collection Of Various Malicious Functionality To Aid In Malware Development
- Bernard Ingham and Betty Boothroyd ensured democracy worked as it should
- Why Venetians are pondering raising their entire city
- The Ticks Are Winning
- What Is Quantum Computing? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Everyone Wants Ukraine's Battlefield Data
- Bad Bunny, a superstar rapper, is good business
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- A winner has emerged in the old rivalry between Singapore and Hong Kong
- French bulldogs are taking over America
- How to Survive a Devastating Earthquake—and Firestorm
- Please Stop Asking Chatbots for Love Advice
- Lula wants to purge Brazil of Jair Bolsonaro's influence
- The fading charms of Britain's historic cinemas
- New technology could cement Indonesia's dominance of vital nickel
- Instagram is launching creator subscriptions in Australia, Canada, the UK and more
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Best 3D Printer Filament Deals: PLA, ABS, PETG and more - CNET
- Gilberto RodrĂguez Orejuela once ran 80% of the world cocaine market
- Migration to Britain hits a record high
- Why the Orkney Islands are considering joining Norway
- Automakers Say They Resolved the Right-to-Repair Fight. Critics Aren't Ready to Make Peace
- Call for volunteers: work your way to TechCrunch Disrupt 2023
- Should rich countries pay for climate damage in poor ones?
- Can carbon removal become a trillion-dollar business?
- The winners and losers from the $69bn Microsoft-Activision mega-deal
- Perilous migrant crossings of the Mediterranean are rising
- Generative AI could radically alter the practice of law
- KAL's cartoon
- What Is Blockchain? The Complete WIRED Guide
- The rise of user-created video games
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Mosquitoes, wasps and parasitic worms could help make injections less painful
- Are the current heatwaves evidence that climate change is speeding up?
- It was hard for any viewer to look away from Sidney Poitier
- Humans have altered other species as well as the environment
- Australia coach McDonald denies his side were saved by the rain in Ashes
- A flawed argument for central-bank digital currencies
- Cleaning Up ChatGPT's Language Takes Heavy Toll on Human Workers
- Spyhide stalkerware is spying on tens of thousands of phones
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- This week's cover
- Spanish renewable-energy development is waking from its siesta
- Electric cars could be crucial for the EU to meet its climate goals
- How to measure how stress affects athletes' performance
- Indian firms are flocking to the United Arab Emirates
- 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' season 2 will include a musical episode
- Why You Should Read a 900-Page Novel About the Climate Crisis
- Joan Didion's radical curiosity
- Why Is Europe's Latest Heat Wave Called Cerberus? It's Complicated
- Does China's softer tone extend to Taiwan?
- Gordon Moore's law was the spur that drove the digital revolution
- Mastodon's decentralized social network has a major CSAM problem
- The Morning After: Twitter rebrands itself as X and ditches the bird
- As Britons grow more unhappy with Brexit, what happens next?
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan's relatives are becoming increasingly powerful
- Oracle is making Larry Ellison the world's third-richest man
- In 2021 our writers considered technology, meritocracy and the trans debate
- The best albums of 2021
- The promise of crypto has not lived up to its initial excitement
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Britain leads the world in online gambling
- Kenya's population growth is slowing in cities and towns
- The Indignity and Joy of Starting Over After a Breakup
- America accuses South Africa of sending arms to Russia
- Direct cremations and burials offer a different way to mourn
- Coravin Sparkling Review: Now You Can Save Your Bubbles Too
- A new generation of Argentine musicians is topping the charts
- The moratorium on repaying student loans in America was a bad idea
- American exceptionalism exists, but other countries also have problems
- Pain and pride around a vital American highway
- Trump is gearing up for his 'final battle'. So should we | Robert Reich
- Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Lower Decks Crossover Is More Than a Gag
- An "electoral reform" in Mexico will make elections less safe
- Video: How we studied the lessons of Ukraine
- Lula's ambitious plans to save the Amazon clash with reality
- How far will Wall Street job losses go?
- Vladimir Putin's courts are stepping up repression
- Why Chairman Mao's victims are denied justice
- Mexico now receives more remittances than China
- California may punt on paying reparations to the descendants of slaves
- KAL's cartoon
- 'Silo' Beautifully Adapts One of Sci-Fi's Best Books
- Starry new productions show "Macbeth" is the tragedy for our times
- Politics
- PPLcontrol - Controlling Windows PP(L)s
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- 'So beautiful I cried!': Barbie obsessives give their verdicts on the movie
- How Biden's Climate Policies Could Still Cut Emissions in Half
- Why South Korean tattooists are being marked as criminals
- Lata Mangeshkar was the soundtrack of newly independent India
- Sea ice in Antarctica is at its lowest-ever level, again
- America avoids financial Armageddon but stays in fiscal hell
- Microsoft's Satya Nadella Is Betting Everything on AI
- Hormone tests for women's fertility seem not to work
- Golddigger - Search Files For Gold
- Boots Riley Says a 'Gentler Capitalism' Won't Save Society
- Business
- Self-Driving Cars: The Complete Guide
- Herbal supplement Kratom targeted by lawsuits after a string of deaths
- The missing ingredient in Britain's new law on tenants' rights
- Pablo Milanés, a great musician and a critic of Cuba's regime, has died
- Life in Kherson after the Kakhovka dam's collapse
- How to win the battle against inflation
- Japan's ageing society is finding creative ways to dispose of its dead
- Israel's Judicial Plan and Protests: What to Know
- People Saw the Barbie Movie, Then Partied Barbie Style
- India's deadly heatwaves are getting even hotter
- China leaders vow to boost 'tortuous' economic recovery
- After the dam collapse, Russian-controlled areas have been abandoned
- Cristina CalderĂ³n was the only full-blooded member of her people
- Radiant Black's New Arc is Splitting Its Hero in Two
- Vladimir Putin has rallied the West
- Why Vladimir Putin is not a pariah in China
- A Battlefield AI Company Says It's One of the Good Guys
- Get a Grip (Tuesday Crossword, July 25)
- Charting Ukraine's soaring exports to the EU
- The world's peak population may be smaller than expected
- Renovation required
- The meaty mystery at the heart of China's economic growth
- House Republicans' CHOICE Act would roll back some Obamacare protections
- The rift in Singapore's first family turns even nastier
- 'Oppenheimer' review: Sympathy for the destroyer of worlds
- Best Wireless Headphones for 2023 - CNET
- Why logistics are too important to be left to the generals
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- France moved quickly to evacuate civilians from Sudan
- Sources and acknowledgments
- Businesses' bottleneck bane
- Apple Vision Pro developer kits are available now
- America's plan to vet investments into China
- European central banks could speed up bond sales, say economists
- Uruguay is losing its reputation as Latin America's success story
- A new treatment for Alzheimer's offers hope—but raises questions, too
- Britain is liberalising its stockmarket-listing rules, again
- Economists draw swords over how to fix inflation
- Why South Africa is drifting into the Sino-Russian orbit
- Young Latin Americans are unusually open to autocrats
- Sheikh Hasina is Asia's iron lady
- Argentina's slum policy is a rare bright spot in the country
- Why MercadoLibre keeps soaring as other e-emporiums sink
- 'Nature is being destroyed': Russia's arms buildup in Barents Sea creating toxic legacy
- The most expensive cities in which to celebrate Valentine's Day
- What Tesla and other carmakers can learn from Ford
- This week's cover
- After a bungled coup attempt, Peru's president falls
- Carolyn Bryant's was the testimony that doomed Emmett Till
- Was your degree really worth it?
- What Life in Barbie's Dazzlingly Pink World Would Do to Her Brain--And Yours
- John Hare devoted his life to saving the Gobi's wild camels
- Why is Italy's public-debt burden so big?
- How Ukraine is using fake tanks and guns to confuse the Russians
- How Russia dodges diesel sanctions
- China's huge Asian investments fail to buy it soft power
- Argentina is wasting the vast opportunities China offers it
- Ian Hamilton masterminded one of the most daring heists of the last century
- The Book Behind Oppenheimer
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The war in Ukraine is spurring transatlantic co-operation in tech
- James Lovelock changed the way human beings look at the Earth
- Who is keeping coal alive?
- This 1-Day Woot Deal Saves You $120 On Beats' Top-Rated Workout Earbuds - CNET
- The New 'Futurama' Successfully Reboots the Show for 2023
- As NATO's leaders gather in Vilnius, Ukraine will dominate everything
- Europe's last finishing school targets anxious executives
- How one pandemic made another one worse
- How businesses are experimenting with ChatGPT-like services
- Vasectomies rose by 29% in the three months after the end of Roe
- The death of Silvio Berlusconi creates uncertainty for his party
- Fed to signal it is not done yet on interest rate rises
- Talks initiated with North Korea over US soldier who ran across border
- A year of war in Ukraine, in maps
- Kyriakos Mitsotakis returns to the Greek prime minister's office
- Spanish voters seem to hanker after stable centrist government
- The best MacBooks for 2023: How to pick the best Apple laptop
- Annual inflation of 114% is pushing Argentina to the right
- A critical genetic database is under fire
- Obituary: A.Q. Khan was the world's biggest nuclear proliferator
- A new biography explains the genius of John von Neumann
- NATO did not give Volodymyr Zelensky everything he wanted
- Can baseball fans be won over by the world's second-biggest sport?
- This week's covers
- Israeli parliament approves first part of judicial overhaul
- What The Board Needs To Know
- Retail investors are losing billions buying stock options
- A ruling over ownership of the Benin bronzes may delay their return
- The age of the grandparent has arrived
- Gene-Edited Yeast Is Taking Over Craft Beer
- Reproduction without sex is more common than scientists thought
- Greece votes, again, following the sinking of a migrant boat
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How an English miner's daughter rose to work in the White House
- Thich Nhat Hanh believed that Buddhism should be a force for change
- New Zealand is right to atone for its colonial crimes in the Pacific
- A post-Erdogan Turkey would only partly change its foreign policy
- This week's covers
- Everything about carmaking is changing at once
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Russia's war on Ukraine is changing Europe
- 'Embryo Models' Challenge the Legal, Ethical, and Biological Concepts of an 'Embryo'
- Mexico's president gives power and money to the armed forces
- A new TB vaccine could save 8.5m lives over the next quarter of a century
- Ticks and the Diseases They Carry Are Spreading. Can This Drug Stamp Them Out?
- Jessamine Chan's gripping debut novel sends up modern parenting
- Europeans: are you being affected by high temperatures?
- North Koreans are at growing risk of starvation
- Is big business really getting too big?
- With Hollywood on strike, foreign shows enjoy the limelight
- China wants the world to forget about its crimes in Xinjiang
- How the state could take control of the banking system
- Sir Paul McCartney's memoir aims to affirm his status as a writer
- How to ask for a bribe without asking for a bribe
- Bangkok: protests begin after Thailand's winning candidate blocked from power – video report
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- One Canadian province has decriminalised drugs
- It is make or break for Intel's giant bet on Germany
- At a Comic-Con Without Hollywood, Fans Show Their Allegiances
- Press freedom is stifled in Guatemala ahead of an election
- An algorithm can diagnose a cold from changes in someone's voice
- April Ashley campaigned for rights hardly considered before
- The slow running revolution: how to move at a 'sexy' pace – and really enjoy the race
- How Landscape made Einstein a Go-Go: 'It was so ahead of its time we waited a few months to release it'
- Michael Lipton: The big man of land reform
- Rally in Energy, Entertainment Stocks Powers Market Higher
- The speech police are coming for social media
- Good evening, Ms Bond. We've been expecting you
- This Startup Wants to Give Farmers a Closer Look at Crops—From Space
- Our Big Mac index can predict the future (sort of)
- Climate activists glue themselves to Hamburg airport runway – video
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Rachel Roddy's recipe for summer minestrone with chicken and rice | A kitchen in Rome
- Pasha Lee went from Ukrainian screen idol to volunteer
- Sappers risk their lives to win Ukraine back, inch by inch
- 'I shook with fear': the Indian women who escaped slavery in Oman – in pictures
- Invincible's Letting Atom Eve Take Center Stage With a Video Game
- Why Sequoia Capital is sawing off its Chinese branch
- What do George Santos, R. Kelly and FIFA have in common?
- Hebe de Bonafini lived through the lives of her sons
- The Hollywood Foreign Press Association does penance for its sins
- Amazon Asks Some Employees to Relocate to 'Main Hub' Offices
- Sysreptor - Fully Customisable, Offensive Security Reporting Tool Designed For Pentesters, Red Teamers And Other Security-Related People Alike
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- What next for Sudan's most notorious rebel leader, known as Hemedti?
- 'Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.' The Story of Oppenheimer's Infamous Quote
- How Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva would govern Brazil
- Man City v Inter Milan is the most lopsided final in Champions League history
- Sony WF-1000XM5 Earbuds Review: They're Smaller and Even Better - CNET
- Israel's Supreme Court faces a critical dilemma: How to handle a plan that would rein in its power.
- Turkey's President Erdogan shifts towards sane economics
- Why China is so keen to salvage shipwrecks in the South China Sea
- After 50 years, the Residents are still on the road
- How America plans to break China's grip on African minerals
- A lot can be done to adapt farming to near-term climate change
- How to prevent sycophancy in China's civil service
- North Korea's hackers are after intel, not just crypto
- Britain plans new guidance on sex and gender in schools
- China's foreign minister goes missing
- The Venture Bros.' Movie is a Welcome Return and Bittersweet End
- A different way to measure the climate impact of food
- How the Pentagon thinks about America's strategy in the Pacific
- Malaysia's gay community fears backlash after Matty Healy's outburst
- Which will grow faster: India or Indonesia?
- China's rulers play the law-and-order card, and lose
- Private therapy in Britain is booming and largely unregulated
- The inflation problem will get better before it gets worse
- The Taliban embrace cultural heritage
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Britons should brace for more travel chaos
- How Taiwan is shaped by its history and identity
- Save Up to $250 on Our Favorite Rowing Machines of 2023 at Hydrow's Summer Sale - CNET
- A new English version of "The Arabian Nights" is the first by a woman
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Russia could take Bakhmut within weeks
- Why Israel is becoming a partisan cause in the United States
- Ocean-surface temperatures are breaking records
- Want to be a nun? You need to pass these tests
- Mexico's gangs are becoming criminal conglomerates
- 5 Ways ChatGPT Can Improve, Not Replace, Your Writing
- AI Giants Pledge to Allow External Probes of Their Algorithms, Under a New White House Pact
- The Americas face a historic opportunity. Will the region grasp it?
- Moviemaking and gamemaking are converging
- "The" human genome was always a misnomer
- Australia has faced down China's trade bans and emerged stronger
- America's new embassy in Beirut is vast
- Marvel Comics' New Punisher is Genuinely Brand New
- The last, unfulfilled dream of Jamie Dimon, king of Wall Street
- The best films of 2021
- Human diets are becoming less diverse, a new book warns
- Warren Buffett is shaking Japan's magic money tree
- North Korean hackers targeting JumpCloud mistakenly exposed their IP addresses, researchers say
- The women's Euros are selling out stadiums
- The Remarkable Resilience of Ukraine's Tech Sector
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- A difficult new world
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Stupendously Preserved Fossil Shows Mammal Preying on Beaked Dinosaur
- Nearly all Louisiana's death-row inmates have filed for clemency
- Where did woke ideas start to spread?
- Artificial brains are helping scientists study the real thing
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Will China dominate the world of semiconductors?
- Republican presidential candidates canoodle with Moms for Liberty
- Satellite data show Ukraine's forces are testing Russia's defences
- Why Lebanon's drivers can't be legal
- How We Can Adapt to Live with Extreme Heat
- Surprise! Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Lower Decks Crossover Is Streaming Today
- P.J. O'Rourke hoped to make life hell for do-gooders everywhere
- Business
- Britain's inflation pain is mostly self-inflicted and getting worse
- Hudson Valley Weekend Trips: Where to Find the Region's Best New Restaurants, Hotels and Kombucha Sorbet
- Brazil's presidential election will go to a run-off
- Here's why we march against Netanyahu's power grab: it's a fight for Israel's life as a democratic state | David Grossman
- Europe is struggling to rebuild its military clout
- Swimming's ruling on transgender women continues a trend
- North Korea Hasn't Answered U.S.'s Calls on Detained Soldier
- Young South Koreans are embracing fractional investing
- A Leaked Memo Shows TikTok Knows It Has a Labor Problem
- Why people struggle to understand climate risk
- Dick Ravitch, New York's fiscal superman
- Lawrence MacEwen made a tiny island prosper
- Business
- Hollywood is losing the battle for China
- Deutsche Bank's 13-year attempt to kill off an IT system
- Britain's Conservative Party takes a local-election bruising
- Rooftop cinema, protests and drone strikes: Monday's best photos
- Network_Assessment - With Wireshark Or TCPdump, You Can Determine Whether There Is Harmful Activity On Your Network Traffic That You Have Recorded On The Network You Monitor
- FDIC Scolds Banks for Manipulating Deposit Data
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Is Doing a Sequel to Its Last Ronin Universe
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- This week's cover
- Desmond Tutu believed that truth was the best weapon
- A Belgian company wants to create woolly-mammoth burgers
- Why investors can't agree on the financial outlook
- The push to bring insulin prices down in America
- London's newest train line is now also its busiest
- Children's centres in Britain are crammed again
- Britain's semiconductor strategy shows the bind the country is in
- A big battery investment is good news for British carmaking
- Your Netflix Phone App Is Getting a New Personalized Hub Feature - CNET
- Weekend podcast: Heartstopper's Kit Connor, Marina Hyde on the Post Office scandal, and the genesis of 'boundaries' in therapy.
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How to Use Discord's Family Center With Your Teens
- A trove of photographs casts light on Bangladesh's liberation war
- Sung Tieu unpacks "Havana syndrome" in her latest work
- Latin America is in a mess. But it still has strengths
- Best Apple AirPods for 2023: Top Picks Across Generations - CNET
- The Inflation Reduction Act is turning heads among British businesses
- Much of Russia's intellectual elite has fled the country
- Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister, quits politics
- Phyllida Barlow had a lifetime of adventure making art
- The fault lines in America's China policy
- German bosses are depressed
- British pension funds agree to invest more in private markets
- Is the world economy in a debt trap?
- Justice Department Sues Texas Over Floating Barrier in Rio Grande
- BugChecker - SoftICE-like Kernel Debugger For Windows 11
- If English nationalism is on the rise, no one has told the English
- Biden Declares War on the Cult of Efficiency
- Places with high religious participation have fewer deaths of despair
- Lula cosies up to NicolĂ¡s Maduro, Venezuela's autocrat
- Will Xi Jinping outsmart Emmanuel Macron?
- A Lego-lover's guide to preparing for the AI age
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Politicians are sending mixed signals about private car ownership
- Ancient 'Unknown' Script Is Finally Deciphered
- Fearing China, Australia rethinks its defence strategy
- Rally in Energy, Entertainment Stocks Powers Market Higher
- Twitter's Bird Logo Dies By Musk's Hands, Now It's Time to Drive X Into the Ground
- After a decade of SNP dominance, Scotland's politics is suddenly in flux
- Business leaders fear that South Africa risks becoming a failed state
- Will Japan fight?
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Can British seaweed farms bloom?
- Vladimir Putin says the world's energy infrastructure is "at risk"
- Nayib Bukele shows how to dismantle a democracy and stay popular
- Ukrainians have grown used to living with curfews
- Covid-19 has imperilled the hammams of north Africa and the Levant
- Vladimir Putin's useful idiots
- After 12 years of blood, Assad's Syria rejoins the Arab League
- KAL's cartoon
- Politics
- Total War: Pharaoh bends history to give us an up-close view of ancient Egypt's downfall
- Avi Loeb's Deep Dive for Alien Life Leaves His Peers Dubious
- Two of the most enigmatic phenomena in the cosmos may be linked
- A Canadian lake could mark the start of humanity's geological epoch
- Get Up Close and Personal With The Ghost, Hasbro's Latest Star Wars Haslab
- What is Virtual Reality (VR)? The Complete WIRED Guide
- To show that it can follow global rules, China built its own multilateral institution
- Millions of dead fish are washing up in Australia
- Maya Widmaier-Picasso helped to revive her father's creativity
- Rossana Banti fought to free Italy with laughter as well as weapons
- Subtle Movements That Precede Earthquakes Raise Questions about Predicting Disaster
- Turning unused office space into housing could solve 2 problems, but it's tricky
- In much of Asia, race is just too hard to talk about
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Sergey Brin Is Back in the Trenches at Google
- The rich world is wrong to think that climate impacts in poor countries don't matter
- Data Breaches: The Complete WIRED Guide
- Some of the new king's realms may become republics
- How to survive a superpower split
- Who will be Taiwan's next president?
- Politics
- How China sees Yevgeny Prigozhin's mutiny
- Aboriginal Australians may at last be given a say in their own affairs
- Twitter, Facebook, Google: Companies That Rebranded
- Evangelicals may soon rival Catholics in Latin America
- Muddled policies are harming British universities
- Two hikers found dead amid extreme heat in southern Nevada
- Bashar al-Assad does not want to let a calamity go to waste
- The Lionesses struggle to find their roar despite win – Women's Football Weekly
- The wind-turbine industry should be booming. Why isn't it?
- Settler vigilantes are getting more violent—and Israel's government is encouraging them
- China's economy is on course for a "double dip"
- China is unusually secretive about its space programme
- Sony Xperia 1 V Review: This Phone Is Still Too Expensive
- Ethnic Serbs and Albanians are at each others' throats
- China's cancel culture is nationalist, not woke
- How should Britain reform rape-trial laws?
- Millions are travelling across China for lunar new year
- Albert Woodfox found his true self in prison
- Macron's Lesson After Riots? France Needs Order 'at Every Level'
- Fukushima's Radioactive Water Is Going to Be Pumped Into the Ocean
- The Secret Life of the 500+ Cables That Run the Internet - CNET
- Polaris - Validation Of Best Practices In Your Kubernetes Clusters
- The Wagner mutiny has left Putin dangerously exposed
- Wild Donkeys Are on the Vanguard of Ukraine's Ecological Recovery
- Bola Tinubu, Nigeria's political kingmaker, wins a flawed election
- It doesn't take much to make machine-learning algorithms go awry
- Firm Retention Summary: ViewRay
- El Salvador's bitcoin experiment is not paying off
- Is the luxury sector recession-proof?
- Video games, power and diplomacy
- Saudi football club approaches PSG with record €300mn bid for MbappĂ©
- Earthshine Lights up the 'Dark Side' of the Moon
- 'It's positive, not apocalyptic': can climate change art help save the planet?
- Doctor Walmart will see you now
- Sudan is sliding towards civil war
- Stokes and McCullum want to save Test cricket but what about beyond Big Three? | Jonathan Liew
- Britain's economy may grow by more than expected, but inflation is stickier
- The next threat to commodity supplies will be El Niño
- The Iraqi militias are copying their overmighty cousins in Iran
- The conundrum of Germany's business ties with China
- South Korea has a plan to end its forced-labour feud with Japan
- Inside the armed Burmese resistance
- Ibrahim Mahama and the art of resurrection
- Nayib Bukele wants to abolish term limits in El Salvador
- Please Stop Asking Chatbots for Love Advice
- Wi-Fi signals could prove useful for spies
- Nigeria's new president acts fast
- New drugs may protect girls having sex with older men from HIV
- Ukraine gets its F-16s
- How grassroots schemes are helping England's non-white cricketers
- Everyone Wants Ukraine's Battlefield Data
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- U.S. Stocks Gain at Start of Busy Earnings Week
- Online daters are less open-minded than their filters suggest
- To understand Labour's shadow cabinet, read its books
- Are Brazil's pollsters right about the presidential election?
- Turkey sits at the crossroads of tectonic plates as well as civilisations
- What America's tiny banks do that big ones don't
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The Biggest Upgrades I Want From Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip 5 - CNET
- These countries could lure manufacturing away from China
- Can America's stockmarket rally last?
- Europe can't decide how to unplug from China
- Almost 50 Years Into the Crypto Wars, Encryption's Opponents Are Still Wrong
- The 'Pet Tech' Craze: Can a $799 Treadmill Make Your Best Friend Happier and Healthier?
- No Need for Twitter—TikTok Users Can Now Make Text Posts
- Politics will move further to the left in 2023
- How to understand the woeful state of Britain's water utilities
- AI Giants Pledge to Allow External Probes of Their Algorithms, Under a New White House Pact
- Twitter/X: maverick rebrand leaves Musk with a cross to bear
- Russian hackers are preparing for a new campaign in Ukraine
- On defence, America and India edge closer together
- NATO is agonising over whether to let Ukraine join
- Ko Jimmy was determined to make Myanmar free
- An election that could make the global internet safer for autocrats
- This week's cover
- Women's Football Weekly: Lionesses struggle to find their roar despite win
- America's closest Indo-Pacific allies are cosying up
- Obituary: George Holliday fortuitously filmed the beating of Rodney King
- Romania's hot economy is attracting foreign workers
- Indonesia's nickel boom tests Western green sensibilities
- Please Stop Asking Chatbots for Love Advice
- Why China Isn't Feeling the 'Barbenheimer' Vibe
- Can tech tackle the global crisis of depression and anxiety?
- Scrapyards adopt new high-tech ways to dismantle cars
- Support for the hard-right AfD is surging in Germany
- A historian brings to life a 17th-century witchcraft panic
- The New Minstrels Are Here
- The best television shows of 2021
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Britain's services exports are booming despite Brexit. Why?
- Stephen Sondheim wanted to explore a new world every time
- Business
- Transcript: An interview with Sir Keir Starmer
- Why Africa is poised to become a big player in energy markets
- Hungary is becoming more important to China
- Dominant languages can spread even without coercion
- The Palestinians need new leaders
- The New York Public Library mines its archive of 56m objects
- Tucker, Pence and Defunding the Police
- Is the global housing slump over?
- The best memes of 2021
- America is losing ground in Asian trade
- Israel launches its biggest raid on the West Bank in over 20 years
- This Startup Wants to Give Farmers a Closer Look at Crops—From Space
- Blow for Flutterwave as Kenyan court declines request to withdraw case
- America is ending its emergency declaration for the pandemic
- Europe makes a show of unity with Ukraine and other neighbours
- China's tolerance for public oversight is limited
- An Abandoned Arctic Military Base Just Spilled a Scientific Secret
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg should cage fight over whose rebrand is worse
- An inspiring, if frustrating, portrayal of the Williams sisters' coach and dad
- A clue to China's true covid-19 death toll
- TP-Link Tapo RV10 Plus Review: No Maps, Self-Emptying
- India, an aspiring digital superpower, keeps shutting down the internet
- Ukraine's counter-offensive is drawing near
- How life has changed along China's border with South-East Asia
- Mikhail Gorbachev did not mean the Soviet Union to end that way
- Politics
- A trial in New York exposes US-Mexican counter-narcotics tensions
- Can downtown densification rescue Cleveland?
- Taiwan is a vital island that is under serious threat
- How the Iraq war bent America's army out of shape
- What does China want from Latin America and the Caribbean?
- Video: insights from the author
- Where have all America's workers gone?
- KAL's cartoon
- The Witcher's Season 3 Part 2 Trailer Hints at Geralt's Ending
- Peru's political chaos looks likely to persist
- Business
- How an east African country became an odd sort of global powerhouse
- Why employee loyalty can be overrated
- Tesla's surprising new route to EV domination
- The latest in the battle of jamming with electronic beams
- KAL's cartoon
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The Conservative Party faces a mutiny in Metroland
- Seeing Open Road, Some Auto Lenders Step on the Gas
- Why crashing lithium prices will not make electric cars cheaper
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Farewell, Mark Rutte, the Tiggerish Dutch prime minister
- A famous brand of Chinese sweets reinvents itself again
- How China's military is slowly squeezing Taiwan
- Insects could help turn beer waste into beef
- Israel's government is still in a bind
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Russia Destroys Drones Targeting Moscow, and Blames Ukraine
- Brazil's new president faces a fiscal crunch and a fickle Congress
- China's public is fed up, but not on the brink of revolt
- After decades of stagnation, wages in Japan are finally rising
- A dictator and his entitled son are holding Uganda captive
- The breast surgeon who had breast cancer: 'I used to say, "Don't Google it." First thing I did? Google it'
- FDIC Scolds Banks for Manipulating Deposit Data
- If the world loves forests, it should put a price on their carbon
- Twitter (now X) CEO Linda Yaccarino claims usage at 'all time high' in memo to staff
- Apple's Vision Pro is a technical marvel. Will anyone buy it?
- This week's cover
- Meet the lefty Europeans who want to shrink the economy
- Could digital-payments systems help unseat the dollar?
- The Best Personal Safety Devices, Apps, and Wearables (2023)
- How Japanese policymakers ended up in a very deep hole
- Obituary: Jane Withers was the antidote to cuteness
- The Anglophone military alliance in Asia is seriously ambitious
- Adolfo Kaminsky saved thousands of Jews by changing their identities
- How to predict record-shattering weather events
- If enough people think you're a bad boss, then you are
- In preparing for disasters, museums face tough choices
- Crazy policies and climate change are hurting Latin American agriculture
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Co-ordinated rocket salvoes suggest Israel's old enemies are reuniting
- India's once-troubled banks are generating huge profits
- Carmen Callil changed British reading habits for ever
- Camp Damascus is a Hopeful Story of Queer Struggle and Survival
- Why Generative AI Won't Disrupt Books
- Jiang Zemin oversaw a wave of economic change, but not much political reform
- China needs foreign workers. So why won't it embrace immigration?
- Khartoum has exploded into open warfare
- Pelé, king of the beautiful game
- NYPD Body Cam Data Shows the Scale of Violence Against Protesters
- KAL's cartoon
- China's prime minister, Li Keqiang, is about to retire
- There's more than one way to spay a cat
- What properties would Sam Zell invest in next?
- Nvidia is not the only firm cashing in on the AI gold rush
- Binyamin Netanyahu is exploiting Israel's divisions
- British voters want more immigrants but less immigration
- The Snow Crab Vanishes
- EV Charger Hacking Poses a 'Catastrophic' Risk
- Tech, Media & Telecom Roundup: Market Talk
- A WHO report shows that pregnancy is killing 800 women a day
- Microsoft's latest Xbox marketing stunt is a pizza-scented controller
- Why so much of the world won't stand up to Russia
- Pressurised natural caves could offer a home from home on the Moon
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- How China trains its journalists to report "correctly"
- Saudi Arabia is reconciling with regimes it once tried to topple
- The 43 Best Movies on Netflix This Week
- Turkey has a newly confrontational foreign policy
- The lessons from the Chinese spy balloon
- Want to Win a Chip War? You're Gonna Need a Lot of Water
- "Don't Look Up", Adam McKay's political farce, is bleakly realistic
- Gene-editing has created a generation of musical crops
- The growth of Africa's towns and small cities is transforming the continent
- The view from the front line between Taiwan and China
- Rhodes wildfires: up to 10,000 Britons stranded on Greek island
- Ransomware Attacks Are on the Rise, Again
- The Supreme Court says Alabama's electoral map is discriminatory
- Insert coin
- Expensive energy may have killed more Europeans than covid-19 last winter
- Silvergate is the latest victim of the crypto meltdown
- A planned spaceport in Djibouti may give China a boost
- Adidas 2Q Revenue Fell, to Book Smaller Operating Loss
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Greece 'at war with fire' amid chaotic evacuation of tourists from Rhodes
- An ancient rice bowl complicates the story of civilisation in India
- A new psychological history of the cold war
- Sony WF-1000XM5 Review: Smaller, Lighter, but Not Better
- Genocide all over again?
- Britain's NHS has never seen industrial action on this scale
- Why aren't China and America more afraid of a war?
- China throws the book at two prominent human-rights lawyers
- Spotify Hikes Premium Subscription Price in the US
- Xiongan is Xi Jinping's pet project
- Why are politics in West Bengal so violent?
- Spotify raises the price of its Premium plans
- A new book explains the tragic failure of Boeing's 737 MAX
- Better camouflage is needed to hide from new electronic sensors
- Thousands of Authors Ask AI Chatbot Owners to Pay for Use of Their Work
- Business
- Conservative mistakes helped SĂ¡nchez halt Vox's march in Spain
- Why Kenya could take the lead in carbon removal
- There is more than one way to make green steel
- New research helps explain why China's low birth rates are stuck
- Liane Lippert wins stage two of Tour de France Femmes after rainswept drama
- Taiwanese politics faces a crucial election in early 2024
- Just how good can China get at generative AI?
- Hilary Mantel saw things that others couldn't
- Threads User Engagement Continues to Decline
- Venezuela's autocrat launches a massive corruption probe
- America's culture wars threaten its single market
- Spain's Elections Pit Gig Workers Against the Far Right
- Retirement has become much longer across the rich world
- Blink and you'll miss it: golf's major squeeze is hindering game's growth
- Harvard Doesn't Need the Money
- A step towards a contraceptive pill for men?
- Jihadists in Congo are extending their reach in the region
- Europe has shaken off Putin's gas embargo
- Martin Amis was the lurid chronicler of a whole generation
- A sweeping campaign against corruption in Chinese football
- Neurons are not the only brain cells that think
- What the rise of student consulting clubs means
- Drought killed 43,000 people in Somalia last year
- CakeFuzzer - Automatically And Continuously Discover Vulnerabilities In Web Applications Created Based On Specific Frameworks
- Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva will oversee a more divided Brazil
- Why America's Supreme Court has ended affirmative action
- Why Donald Trump's defeat in court matters
- Politics
- As 'Shark Week' becomes more sensational, a look at some misconceptions about sharks
- Financial sanctions may not deter China from invading Taiwan
- Cambodia's autocrat is fixing his succession
- Regulators put the future of America's crypto industry in doubt
- Ukraine's Danube ports have become a lifeline
- Roman Ratushny believed in a better, purer Ukraine
- Why commodity-trading scandals are multiplying
- This week's covers
- Aboard Britain's first commercial self-driving bus
- America's states are pursuing their own foreign policies
- This week's covers
- South Korea's suicide rate fell for years. Women are driving it up again
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- What Is Genetic Testing? The Complete WIRED Guide
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The strange success of the Tories' schools policy
- Cambodia is about to host arguably the world's biggest sporting event
- China has its eyes on Okinawa
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Marielle Franco: new suspect arrested over killing of Rio city councillor
- Elon Musk Rolls Out New X Logo as Twitter Rebrands
- America aims for nuclear-power renaissance
- How to escape China's property crisis
- Reality TV Saved Me
- European politics has gone from complicated to impenetrable
- How Contradictions Power Barbie
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- Was COP26 in Glasgow a success?
- Business
- Humidifiers vs Dehumidifiers vs Purifiers: Which One Do I Actually Need?
- An animated documentary tells the story of Amin, an Afghan refugee
- How housing became the new divide in British politics
- FBI Surveillance Fears Are Uniting a Badly Broken Congress
- Dismay and violence after a police killing in France
- Pervez Musharraf was one of Pakistan's better dictators
- The great global baby bust is under way
- Japan's hot-spring resorts are blocking geothermal energy plants
- What a new drama series reveals about China
- Share your cottage cheese recipes and cooking tips
- Economic data, commodities and markets
- The pandemic has accelerated a global decline in the rule of law
- Business
- Albania is no longer a bad Balkan joke
- Ideas for finding ET are getting more inventive
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